• MEDIA: Foreign workers laid off from Big Tech face a deadline: Find a j

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Fri Nov 25 21:28:08 2022
    NBC's Brahmjot Kaur and Sakshi Venkatraman on whether Kellyanne
    Conway has access to survey data from Donald Trump's 2020 campaign
    on why American moms and dads won't let their sons and daughters
    grow up to be STEM professionals: <URL:https://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/foreign-workers-laid-big-tech-face-deadline-find-job-asap-leave-countr-rcna56595>
    | Mass layoffs have put thousands of tech workers back on the job
    | market in the span of a week, many of them immigrants who relied on
    | their companies to sponsor their visas. In the scramble to compete
    | with their U.S.-born peers for jobs, a deadline now looms over them.
    | "U.S. immigration policy has amplified the uncertainty for immigrant
    | workers in times like this. A lot of tech workers will have to pack
    | up their lives and leave," said Gaurav Khanna, an assistant
    | professor of economics at the University of California at San Diego,
    | whose research concentrates on high-skill immigration. "That means
    | workers are less likely to choose the U.S. as a destination for
    | working in the tech sector."

    Will Ken Griffin allow Ron DeSantis to campaign to Trump's right by
    arguing that protected access to the American labor market is a
    blessing Americans pass on to their posterity?

    "UN says Biden's progressive/cheap-labor border policies are killing
    a record # of migrants. IOW, Trump's low-migration policies save
    lives (& boost wages, workplace rights, trade & productivity)
    Progressives' claim for mass migration fades every day. https://t.co/SvFLYiA3Ga" - Neil Munro <URL:https://twitter.com/NeilMunroDC/status/1544341847325249536>

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