• MEDIA: Democrats Plot Corporate-Backed DACA Amnesty in Lame Duck Congre

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Thu Nov 24 14:45:33 2022
    Via Breitbart Immigration, Breitbart.COM/immigration, see John Binder
    on whether Donald Trump regrets his endorsement for Lindsey Graham: <URL:https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/11/16/democrats-plot-corporate-backed-daca-amnesty-in-lame-duck-congress-illegal-aliens-deserve-nothing-less/>
    | For years, Durbin and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) have been
    | introducing the DREAM Act despite lacking enough support in the
    | Senate to get the amnesty passed. The amnesty enjoys broad support
    | from multinational corporations and the donor class,who are hoping
    | to inflate the U.S. labor market, increase the number of consumers,
    | drive up housing prices, and keep wages at a relatively low level.
    | Last year, executives with Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and the U.S.
    | Chamber of Commerce, among others, lobbied House and Senate
    | Republicans to back Durbin and Graham's DREAM Act. Likewise, the
    | Koch network has long asked Republicans to get behind the amnesty.

    What will be the Roy Beck NumbersUSA GPA be for Trump's endorsements?
    "In the 2024 GOP Primary: Trump 55% DeSantis 20% Pence 9%. In a
    hypothetical 2024 Presidential Election matchup: Trump 44% Biden has
    39% https://t.co/6HlkvuDls9" - Ned Ryun <URL:https://twitter.com/nedryun/status/1542896308477779968>

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