• MEDIA: Musk, Zuckerberg's H-1B Layoffs Expose (Again) The "Guest Worker

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Sat Nov 19 13:23:05 2022
    VDare's John Derbyshire on whether Donald Trump regrets dispatching
    Jared and Ivanka Kushner to Silicon Valley to sue for peace with the
    likes of Mark Zuckerberg: <URL:https://vdare.com/articles/john-derbyshire-musk-zuckerberg-s-h-1b-layoffs-expose-again-the-guest-worker-racket>
    | Yes: I myself came here on an H-1 visa to do software development in
    | 1985--see I Was A Legal Alien for the complete history. (The H-1 had
    | not yet speciated into H-1A and H-1B. H-1A is for nurses.)
    | I was hired with a draft of a dozen or so other British programmers
    | (as we were then called) to support the Reagan Boom on Wall Street.
    | So far as I could discover, we were hired on the same terms as our
    | American colleagues, none of whom ever showed any resentment of us.

    Will Ken Griffin allow Ron DeSantis run to Trump's right by noting
    Trump's slow-walking of John Miano's lawsuit to end the illegal H-4EAD
    and OPT programs?

    "Only thing that stops Trump from running in 2024 at this point is a
    heart attack. He declares after midterms, probably Jan '23, cleans
    up in primary and dominates in general. Big question is VP pick." -
    Jack Posobiec

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