• MEDIA: How FB journey came to an end for Indian staff across the world

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Thu Nov 17 12:36:33 2022
    Times of India's Pankaj Doval on whether Donald Trump regrets
    dispatching Jared and Ivanka Kushner to Silicon Valley to sue for
    peace with the likes of Mark Zuckerberg: <URL:https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/business/india-business/how-fb-journey-came-to-an-end-for-indian-staff-across-the-world/articleshow/95439907.cms>
    | When contacted, a spokesperson for Meta in India said, "We are not
    | providing details on specific team impact. For your queries related
    | to severance, please refer to Mark's (Zuckerberg) note on our
    | newsroom. "Saahil Narang, working with product development and
    | marketing at Meta in San Francisco, lost his job after serving the
    | company for 11 months. On H-1B visa, he said on LinkedIn,
    | "Unfortunately, me and majority of my org was impacted by Meta
    | layoffs. Given that I am on H1B visa, the race to landing a job
    | within 60 days to stay in the US starts now and so if you know of
    | any teams that are in product or business strategy roles, feel free
    | to send them my way. "
    | Suhani Arora, who was in product marketing at Instagram at San
    | Francisco for last six months, said: "Count me among the many who
    | were affected by the #MetaLayoff this morning. "

    Will Kellyanne Conway invite the likes of Mike Emmons onto the Save
    America PAC stage to discuss being RIFd in favor of alien scab

    "The lower-end IQs (Cheney, French, etc) think J6 stuff is about
    destroying Trump--because that's what they've been erotically
    fixated on for years now. But the higher-IQ Democrats understand
    it's about making their political opponents illegal, and criminalize
    political resistance." - David Reaboi <URL:https://twitter.com/davereaboi/status/1540061353905459201>

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