• MEDIA: Need to apply for a US visa? The wait will get shorter next summ

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Wed Nov 16 12:13:48 2022
    Times of India's Srinjoy Chowdhury on whether Donald Trump's Save
    America PAC will endorse Ken Cuccinelli to succeed Ur M Jaddou at
    USCIS.GOV and Mike Pompeo to succeed Tony Blinken at State.GOV: <URL:https://www.timesnownews.com/india/need-to-apply-for-a-us-visa-the-wait-will-get-shorter-next-summer-say-us-officials-article-95424380>
    | In an effort to ease the visa situation, by shortening the
    | application time, the US State department is sending additional visa
    | officers from the USA or moving them from other countries. There
    | will be a large number of temporary visa officers in India as well.
    | Besides, more innovative methods are being looked at for those who
    | can avail of the "drop box" facility. This means they will not have
    | to be interviewed. More people are now eligible to apply for "drop
    | box" visas nowadays.

    How does Trump's "extreme vetting" test in Kellyanne Conway's surveys
    of legacy American proles?

    "Liz Cheney ally John Podesta "war gamed" a scenario where Biden
    disrespected our democracy by refusing to concede and kicked off a
    civil war. It looks like both parties regularly countenance what the
    Trump camp flirted with. We can therefore assume it's legal. https://t.co/6xAdPOl88C" - Second City Bureaucrat <URL:https://twitter.com/CityBureaucrat/status/1539371946030276610>

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