• MEDIA: U.S. Worker Displacement Armageddon Intensifies In October--Ruli

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Sun Nov 13 13:04:28 2022
    VDAre's Peter Brimelow on the likelihood Kevin McCarthy and Mitch
    McConnell will loosen the spigots to the Cheap Labor Lobby's scab
    worker import pipelines: <URL:https://vdare.com/articles/national-data-u-s-worker-displacement-armageddon-intensifies-in-october-ruling-class-regime-media-simply-delusional-about-it>
    | Left unsaid by Powell: the record influx of foreign-born workers
    | could alleviate labor market tightness--albeit at a high cost to
    | native-born American workers.
    | Of course, inflation is ultimately a monetary phenomenon and massive
    | imports of immigrants will not bring down the overall price level
    | any more than debauching the Strategic Petroleum Reserve is doing--
    | but it could reduce specific prices for key constituents, aka GOP
    | donors.
    | Watch out for this in the lame-duck Congress.

    Did Bill Stepien advise Donald Trump's Save America PAC candidates
    to campaign against legacy American prole dispossession?
    "DeSantis has said he supports red flag laws, and Florida has on in
    place signed by Rick Scott Trump once said he supported them too,
    but dropped it later after massive pushback https://t.co/ujaCA6k1T7"
    - Jack Posobiec <URL:https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/1537801632464912384>

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