• MEDIA: How immigration took over Arizona's elections

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Tue Nov 8 03:05:49 2022
    Via Brave,
    see DC Examiner's Samantha-Jo Roth on whether Donald Trump regrets
    taking Jared Kushner's advice to downplay the National Question on the
    campaign stump against Joe Biden and Kamala Harris: <URL:https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/restoring-america/patriotism-unity/how-immigration-took-over-arizonas-elections>
    | As a presidential candidate, Joe Biden promised to take action to
    | undo the Trump administration's immigration policies. Now, the Biden
    | administration has been struggling to respond to the surge of
    | immigrants at the U.S.-Mexico border, a problem tracing back to the
    | first months of his presidency. Border officials encountered a
    | record 2.4 million immigrants at the southern border in fiscal 2022,
    | surpassing the 1.7 million set last year, according to numbers from
    | Customs and Border Protection. More than 572,000 of those encounters
    | occurred in Arizona, with apprehensions in the Yuma Sector tripling
    | to 310,094 in fiscal 2022 from 114,488 in fiscal 2021.

    Will Trump endorse Ken Cuccinelli for DHS.GOV and will Mitch McConnell
    "That's according to Trump's own pollster, the highly respected Tony
    Fabrizio, as well as everyone else who's looked at the 2020 election
    data. It was also predicted by anyone who supported Trump in 2016 --
    and then watched him piss away his presidency for four years by
    betraying his base." - Ann Coulter <URL:https://anncoulter.substack.com/p/dineshs-stupid-movie>

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