• MEDIA: Conservatism Inc. Focuses On How Affirmative Action Hurts Asians

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Sun Nov 6 10:49:12 2022
    VDare's Washington Watcher II on whether Bill Stepien has surveyed
    legacy American proles on whether Big .EDU presidents and deans
    should profit from leasing American classroom seats and laboratory
    stools to the 8B globe's top two quintiles: <URL:https://vdare.com/articles/conservatism-inc-focuses-on-how-affirmative-action-hurts-asians-ignores-its-impact-on-whites-aka-americans>
    | Some 20-25 percent of the students at MIT, Stanford, and the Ivy
    | League are Asian [Asian Americans, Diversity, and Meritocracy in
    | College Admissions, AccessWire, March 29, 2021]. Without Affirmative
    | Action, elite American universities would be at least a third Asian,
    | a number that would rise over time. Would it be good for America if
    | its elite becomes majority Asian?

    Are legacy American proles equipped to navigate South Asian and East
    Asian tribal politics in American workplaces?

    "@emeriticus The die hard Trump simps are so threatened by DeSantis
    that they don't like when anyone is having any kind of positive
    conversation about DeSantis - even one that leaves room for Trump to
    reenter the White House in 24." - Specialist <URL:https://twitter.com/special67661483/status/1533207682651508736>

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