• MEDIA: Cal State banned caste discrimination. Two Hindu professors sued

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Sat Nov 5 09:56:51 2022
    Jeff Bezos guest blogger, Marisa Iati, on whether Bill Stepien has
    surveyed legacy American proles for Donald Trump's Save America PAC
    on whether they are equipped to navigate south Asian tribal politics
    in the workplace: <URL:https://www.washingtonpost.com/religion/2022/10/24/hindu-caste-discrimination-lawsuit/>
    | The California State University System professors argue that naming
    | caste as a protected characteristic unfairly targets Hindus and
    | wrongly suggests that oppression and discrimination are among
    | Hinduism's core tenets. Sunil Kumar and Praveen Sinha contend in the
    | complaint, filed Monday, that Hinduism is about compassion and
    | equanimity -- principles directly opposed to a discriminatory caste
    | system.
    | "We fully and vehemently oppose all forms of prejudice and
    | discrimination," Kumar said in a statement announcing the federal
    | lawsuit, previously reported by Religion News Service. "But CSU's
    | Interim Policy singles out all Indian origin and Hindu staff and
    | students solely because we are Indian and Hindu. This by its very
    | definition is discrimination and a denial of our basic civil
    | rights."

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    "Former Trump adviser Peter Navarro was just indicted by a federal
    grand jury on "criminal contempt of Congress." This is a total abuse
    of our justice system. The January 6 committee is illegitimate. https://t.co/GuYsYH33EE" - Matt Gaetz <URL:https://twitter.com/RepMattGaetz/status/1532781903115345920>

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