• MEDIA: Southwest Airlines Is Considering Hiring Foreign Pilots

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Fri Nov 4 11:47:53 2022
    Joe Kunzler on whether Donald Trump regrets taking Jared Kushner's
    advice to downplay the National Question on the campaign trail against
    Joe Biden and Kamala Harris: <URL:https://simpleflying.com/southwest-airlines-considering-foreign-pilots/>
    | Nonetheless, the pilot's union has thoughts. Last weekend, the Board
    | of Directors of the 9,800-member Southwest Airlines Pilots
    | Association (SWAPA) representing Southwest pilots issued an e-mail
    | statement of concern. In SWAPA's e-mail, they considered the
    | intention as a threat to member jobs.
    | The email said,
    | "SWAPA, as an organization that promotes U.S. labor, was NEVER
    | consulted in this decision. How did management, with what was likely
    | hundreds of man hours spent planning and discussing this, fail to
    | consider the impact on its public image, the economic and political
    | cost, and the reaction of SWAPA and of U.S. labor as a whole?

    Has Bill Stepien survey Save America PAC potential voters on why
    they won't let their sons and daughters grow up to be pilots?
    "Proud to join my father in endorsing my friend Blake Masters for US
    Senate in Arizona! The Senate GOP is desperately in need of some
    generational change and between @bgmasters, @JDVance1 & a few
    others, the MAGA movement has an opportunity to reshape our party
    for the better!!!" - Donald Trump Jr <URL:https://twitter.com/DonaldJTrumpJr/status/1532460660856086539>

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