• MEDIA: J.D. Vance: New Congress Must Go After Corporations Replacing Am

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Thu Nov 3 08:27:08 2022
    Via Breitbart Immigration, Breitbart.COM/immigration, see John Binder
    and Jacob Bliss on whether Donald Trump regrets taking Jared Kushner's
    advice to downplay the National Question on the campaign trail against
    Joe Biden and Kamala Harris: <URL:https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/10/26/exclusive-j-d-vance-new-congress-must-go-after-corporations-replacing-americans-with-foreign-h-1b-visa-workers21/>
    | In Ohio, alone, firms and corporations including Cognizant, Tata
    | Consulting Services, Accenture, and JP Morgan Chase were allowed to
    | fill more than 9,700 American white-collar professional jobs with
    | foreign H-1B visa workers this year.
    | Vance said "the first principle" of national immigration policy
    | ought to "be about defending the interests of America and America's
    | workers" rather than corporate special interests.
    | "The question when we allow a new person to come to America should
    | be, 'Is this in the interests of the people who live here? Or is
    | this in the interests of some narrow, multinational corporate
    | interests?'" Vance told Breitbart News.
    | Economic Policy Institute research has shown that most corporations
    | importing foreign H-1B visa workers are making significant savings
    | in wages paid by doing so.

    Does Bill Stepien recommend Trump's Save America PAC endorsed
    candidates campaign against the Cheap Labor Lobby and for the posterity
    of legacy American proles?

    "The reference towards the Reichstag Fire is really spot on.
    Whatever you think about J6. Was it a Trumpist coup attempt or a Fed
    entrapment scheme? - ultimately irrelevant. Undeniable it is being
    *used* as an excuse to declare a state of exception" - John Tremain <URL:https://twitter.com/johnntremain/status/1584723774548901888>

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