• MEDIA: We conducted US' 1st caste survey. Got slurs, saw Dalit silence,

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Mon Oct 24 11:37:14 2022
    Thenmozhi Soundarajan for ThePrint.IN on whether Donald Trump will
    deploy Narendra Modi as a surrogate in 2024: <URL:https://theprint.in/pageturner/excerpt/we-conducted-us-1st-caste-survey-got-slurs-saw-dalit-silence-1-group-had-existential-crisis/1164165/>
    | Although caste discrimination and caste-based violence in the United
    | States are not as widespread and overt as in South Asia, they exist
    | here as well. In 2015 Equality Labs conducted the first-ever survey
    | about caste in the U.S. I worked with the indefatigable Dr. Maari
    | Zwick-Maitreyi, who helmed this landmark contribution to Dalit
    | feminist scholarship in North America. We decided to conduct this
    | survey after repeatedly hearing Dalit Americans talk about the caste
    | discrimination they had experienced, whereas dominant-caste South
    | Asian Americans said caste wasn't an issue.

    Has Bill Stepien asked legacy American proles their preference for
    importing .IN's ethnic and tribal politics into .US workplaces?

    "Apparently Chris Hayes missed it when the pharmaceutical companies
    donated more to Biden than Trump. Bought and sold." - Ryan Girdusky <URL:https://twitter.com/RyanGirdusky/status/1527822569738493952>

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