• MEDIA: Clinton's immigration awakenings

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Sun Oct 23 12:01:51 2022
    Via Brave,
    see PFIRDC.ORG's Joe Guzzardi on whether Donald Trump regrets taking
    Jared Kushner's advice to downplay the National Question on the
    campaign trail against Joe Biden and Kamala Harris: <URL:https://www.dallasnews.com/opinion/commentary/2022/10/12/clintons-immigration-awakenings/>
    | Every now and again, both during and after his two-term presidency,
    | Bill Clinton espoused sound immigration thoughts that focused on the
    | nation's best interests. Most recently, without naming Joe Biden,
    | Clinton took direct aim at the sitting president's open border
    | fiasco.
    | On a CNN podcast, in response to a question about economic migrants
    | who are, in host Fareed Zakaria's description, "gaming" the asylum
    | system, Clinton replied that "there's a limit" at which point open
    | borders will cause "severe disruption." Clinton added that the
    | established immigration protocols, presumably a reference to the
    | traditional agencies that assist incoming immigrants, function on
    | the assumption that border conditions would "be more normal."

    Does Bill Stepien advise Trump's Save America PAC endorsed candidates
    to ask legacy American proles what their preference is for the total
    number of new admissions into America?
    "If Oz wins, will neo-Never Trumpers still insist a Trump
    endorsement doesn't matter?" - Scott Greer <URL:https://twitter.com/ScottMGreer/status/1526802431685926913>

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