• MEDIA: It Won't Die! Democrats Plot To Resurrect Amnesty In Lame Duck S

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Fri Oct 21 11:26:55 2022
    VDare's Washington Watcher II on what will be the Roy Beck NumbersUSA
    GPA for Donald Trump's Save America PAC endorsed candidates: <URL:https://vdare.com/articles/it-won-t-die-democrats-plot-to-resurrect-amnesty-in-lame-duck-session>
    | The bill with the most prospects: the increase in guest worker
    | visas. Sen. Tillis told Roll Call last month that he feels the lame-
    | duck period would be an opportune time to pass such a measure and
    | his fellow Republicans are open to the idea due to apparent labor
    | shortages. It's tough to say whether this prediction will work out.
    | Republicans may be worried about any immigration sellout if they won
    | on promising no sellouts [Record pace for green cards won't last
    | without congressional action, by Suzanne Monyak, Roll Call,
    | September 22, 2022].

    If Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell are unable to widen the spigot
    to the Cheap Labor Lobby's scab worker import pipeline after the
    election, is comprehensive immigration reform dead until January 2025?
    "According to all my sources on the ground in Western NC, Madison is
    in very real trouble. He beat the Trump endorsed candidate 2 years
    ago, but can he win with it this time?" - Ryan Girdusky <URL:https://twitter.com/RyanGirdusky/status/1526232224898621440>

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