• MEDIA: Plan to Grant More Green Cards to STEM Graduates Resurfaces

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Sun Oct 16 12:35:01 2022
    H/T Kevin Lynn's US Tech Workers, Twitter.COM/USTechWorkers, see The
    Dispatch's Haley Byrd Wilt on what will be the Roy Beck NumbersUSA
    GPA for Donald Trump's Save America PAC endorsed candidates: <URL:https://uphill.thedispatch.com/p/plan-to-grant-more-green-cards-to>
    | "America should always be focused on maintaining a strong STEM
    | workforce because it strengthens our economy and enhances our
    | ability to compete on the world stage," Durbin said in a statement
    | shared with The Dispatch. "By denying international students with
    | STEM degrees from U.S. universities the opportunity to continue
    | their work here, we are losing their talents to countries overseas
    | and won't see the positive impacts of their American education."
    | Sen. Mike Rounds of South Dakota, a Republican, has also signed onto
    | the amendment as a cosponsor. His office did not respond to requests
    | for comment.

    Will Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell succeed in widening the
    spigots to the Cheap Labor Lobby's scab worker import pipelines
    during the lame duck?

    "French whined about Trump's border wall but supports sending
    astronomical amounts of money to be laundered through a kleptocracy
    because he doesn't actually care about America. He cares about his
    *idea* of America, where men dress in drag around kids and there are
    open borders." - Pedro Gonzalez <URL:https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1525276750275559424>

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