• MEDIA: What I Saw at NatCon

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Sat Oct 15 12:24:11 2022
    Pedro Gonzalez for American Mind on whether Donald Trump regrets
    taking Jared Kushner's advice to downplay the National Question
    on the campaign stump against Joe Biden and Kamala Harris: <URL:https://americanmind.org/features/florida-versus-davos/what-i-saw-at-natcon/>
    | John O'Sullivan, too, has become a familiar face at the conference.
    | O'Sullivan served as editor of National Review until 1997. He would
    | later recall tiptoeing soon-to-be-editor Peter Brimelow's 1992 cover
    | story for the magazine--"Time To Rethink Immigration?"--past the
    | skepticism of William F. Buckley. But in 1997, Buckley abruptly
    | removed O'Sullivan as editor. A little while later, the Wall Street
    | Journal, which has long supported open borders, celebrated that
    | "National Review has stopped stridently claiming opposition to
    | immigration as a conservative cause." If that seems odd, it's worth
    | remembering that before his magazine embraced immigration as a
    | salient issue in 1992, Buckley reportedly fumed at Chronicles for
    | dedicating an entire issue to the subject in 1989, threatening to
    | "excrete" its paleoconservatives from the conservative movement.

    Does Bill Stepien fear Ron DeSantis will overtake Trump from the
    "If it was Trump supporters protesting in front of Supreme Court
    Justices houses, the DOJ would already be working on indictments." -

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