• MEDIA: That's Interesting, U.S. Conservative Establishment Loves Italy'

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Thu Oct 13 12:02:51 2022
    Washington Watcher II for VDare on whether Donald Trump regrets taking
    Jared Kushner's advice to downplay the National Question on the
    campaign trail against Joe Biden and Kamala Harris: <URL:https://vdare.com/articles/that-s-interesting-u-s-conservative-establishment-loves-italy-s-meloni-do-americans-get-to-be-nationalist-now>
    | Yet even if many Establishment conservatives love Meloni and Orban
    | for the wrong reasons, it's still a positive development. Americans
    | are now exposed to nationalism in a positive light. Conservatives
    | see a viable alternative to the discredited Business First agenda.
    | Americans want immigration patriotism and an unapologetic defense of
    | their heritage. Meloni's popularity with Establishment conservatives
    | strongly suggests we shall see more Americans copy her politics--
    | regardless of what happens to Donald Trump.

    Does Bill Stepien advice Trump's Save America PAC endorsed candidates
    to echo, if not plagiarize Giorgia Meloni and Victor Orban?

    "Trump is said to have asked Bernie Marcus, a prominent GOP donor,
    to tell Kushner himself as the former president did not want to do
    it personally. Navarro wrote that Kushner refused to step down,
    first by refusing a call with Marcus and then insisting "things were
    fine" with the campaign." - Ewan Palmer <URL:https://www.newsweek.com/jared-kushner-peter-navarro-book- trump-2024-1743224>

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