• MEDIA: Sometimes the Government Does the Right Thing

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Sun Oct 9 12:22:22 2022
    Morris Dees and $PLC certified deplorable, David North, on whether
    Donald Trump's Save America PAC will endorse Eugene Scalia to succeed
    Marty Walsh at DoL.GOV: <URL:https://cis.org/North/Sometimes-Government-Does-Right-Thing>
    | Incidentally, the BALCA decision (2019-PER-00151) -- unlike
    | decisions of a comparable entity within USCIS, the Administrative
    | Appeals Office -- contains full disclosure of all involved.
    | We can thank these BALCA panel members for the decision, all ranking
    | administrative law judges: Stephen R. Henley, Paul R. Almanza, and
    | Carrie Bland. We know the name of the employer, the employer's
    | lawyer (Megan R. Naughton, Esq.), and the foreign worker who was not
    | hired. That person is Vineetha Jayaram, presumably an Indian
    | national.
    | As I read through the decision I did not see a single redaction, as
    | one routinely encounters in AAO decisions, which contain none of the
    | kinds of information noted above. AAO should be equally forthcoming,
    | but is not.

    Does Bill Stepien recommend Trump invite the likes of Mike Emmons
    onto the campaign stump?
    "The idea that the people matter was easily laid to rest with how
    easily the Trump Administration was subverted through the joint
    action of the intelligence/security servies with the mainstream
    media, NGOs, the judiciary, and various planted agents within the
    actual Trump Regime." - Fisted by Foucault <URL:https://niccolo.substack.com/p/turbo-america>

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