• MEDIA: Radio Derb: Borders Open To Latinx, Bret Stephens Rethinks, And

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Fri Oct 7 11:32:47 2022
    VDare's John Derbyshire on whether Donald Trump regrets giving the
    Grey Lady's Maggie Haberman the time of day: <URL:https://vdare.com/radio-derb/borders-open-to-latinx-bret-stephens-rethinks-and-how-nations-sink-etc>
    | So the guy who, five years ago, was calling for mass deportation of
    | worthless American citizens and replacing them with smarter, more
    | law-abiding, more entrepreneurial and fertile immigrants is now
    | calling on the administration to "Build the Wall!"
    | Well, Scripture tells us that " joy shall be in heaven over one
    | sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons,
    | which need no repentance."
    | Still I have a lurking feeling that if I were to try engaging with
    | Bret Stephens on, say, birthright citizenship, or chain migration,
    | or universal E-Verify, or -- worst of all -- an immigration
    | moratorium, he would stomp out of the room in disgust.

    Did Bill Stepien detect Trump Dissappointment Syndrome in the 2020
    exit polls?
    "Like it or not, Trump endorsement still the most powerful force in
    GOP politics" - Darren Beattie <URL:https://twitter.com/DarrenJBeattie/status/1521875120461070337>

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