• MEDIA: An Alaskan Reader Reports Sarah Palin Still Not Hitting Immigrat

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Wed Oct 5 10:35:25 2022
    Roger Williams for VDare on whether Alaskans are National Question
    voters: https://vdare.com/letters/an-alaskan-reader-reports-sarah-palin-still-not-hitting-immigration-hard-enough-except-on-facebook>
    | You might say, "so what? We lose one house seat." But I worry how
    | this affects Murkowski. Alaska is an at-large district for the
    | House. So they both have identical constituency. Murkowski may take
    | this election as a sign her voting base is shifting left underneath
    | her. Murkowski is only as Republican as she thinks she needs to be.
    | She will probably tack even farther left. And who knows, she could
    | even switch parties, like Arlen Specter did in 2009.

    What will be the Roy Beck NumbersUSA GPA be for Donald Trump's Save
    America PAC endorsed candidates?
    ">why did Trump repeatedly meet with New York Times journalist and
    CNN shill Maggie Haberman to seek her approval and why did he beg
    the absolute worst conservative magazine that hates him and his
    entire movement to like him? >"rent free haha"
    https://t.co/yir9Fke7Q4" - Pedro Gonzalez <URL:https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1574038270484176896>

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