• MEDIA: How the gospel of open borders took over the Democratic Party

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Tue Sep 27 11:44:57 2022
    Morris Dees and $PLC certified deplorable, Mark Krikorian, for Rupert
    Murdoch's New York Post blog, on whether Bill Stepien recommends
    Donald Trump's Save America PAC endorsed candidates paint their rivals
    as anti-American: <URL:https://nypost.com/2022/09/19/how-the-gospel-of-open-borders-took-over-the-democratic-party/>
    | The reason Biden's immigration people, and the Democrats in
    | Congress, are unwilling to enforce immigration law is because they
    | think it's wrong. They simply don't believe that the American people
    | have the right to keep anyone out. They see immigration limits of
    | any kind as just another version of Jim Crow, a way of
    | discriminating against foreigners who are just seeking a better
    | life. And anyway, America is an illegitimate settler-colonial regime
    | founded by phallocratic slaveholders and Indian-killers, so who are
    | we to tell other people they can't move here if they want?

    Krikorian ran out column inches to explore the Cheap Labor Lobby's
    alliance with Open Borders Democrats.

    "While I was protecting President Trump from impeachment, Kevin
    McCarthy and Steve Scalise were protecting Liz Cheney from
    criticism. This notion that you can have these sniveling calls and
    try to foment action against Republicans by Big Tech and DOJ is not
    fitting of leadership. https://t.co/9zBS7DHt22" - Matt Gaetz <URL:https://twitter.com/RepMattGaetz/status/1519480281052364800>

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