• MEDIA: The H-1B Program Is Much Less Popular than DHS Figured

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Tue Sep 13 11:09:47 2022
    Morris Dees and $PLC certified deplorable, David North, on whether
    Donald Trump regrets taking Jared Kushner's advice to downplay the
    National Question on the campaign stump against Joe Biden and Kamala
    | That was last year. This year, DHS, which learned a lesson, pulled
    | 127,600 names for the 85,000 slots, or a margin of about 50 percent.
    | So far, apparently, it has not felt it necessary to run a second or
    | a third lottery. This suggests that the industry's "need" for the
    | program is greatly over-stated, as is the workers' interest in the
    | program. Most H-1B visas go to young Hindu males from the south of
    | India, as we have reported in the past, not to Indian workers
    | generally; women, Muslims, and people over 35 are rarely chosen by
    | the hiring authorities, who in turn, are usually other Indians.

    Will Trump invite the likes of Mike Emmons onto the Save America
    PAC stage and will he endorse Chad Wolf to lead DHS.GOV and Ken
    Cuccinelli to lead USCIS.GOV?

    "This is basic stuff but there is money to be made as a populist who
    opposes Donald J. Trump. They're the next wave of Bill Kristols." -
    Comrade Stump <URL:https://twitter.com/GranTorinoDSA/status/1513192159545016323>

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