• MEDIA: GOP's Midterm Momentum Loss Shows Economics Not Enough--Base Mus

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Mon Sep 12 11:08:16 2022
    VDare's Washington Watcher II on whether Donald Trump regrets taking
    Jared Kushner's advice to downplay the National Question on the
    campaign trail against Joe Biden and Kamala Harris: https://vdare.com/articles/gop-s-midterm-momentum-loss-shows-economics-not-enough-base-must-be-motivated-by-immigration-patriotism-opposition-to-anti-white-crt>
    | But Democrat enthusiasm doesn't tell the whole story. The second
    | reason for GOP momentum loss is that the party is failing to
    | motivate its base. NY-19 showcases this. Commentator Ryan Girdusky
    | found that in every county Molinaro won by double-digits, turnout
    | was down by 35 percent compared to 2020. If turnout had been the
    | same in the special election as it was in 2020, he would've won the
    | race. Similar levels of low turnout in rural counties were found in
    | special elections in Nebraska and Minnesota. The problem, at least
    | in Molinaro's case, was entirely due to not getting out rural white
    | voters. He did better among independents than Trump, but it wasn't
    | enough to win [GOP Falling In Specials, by Ryan Girdusky, National
    | Populist Newsletter, August 24, 2022].

    How does an immigration moratorium poll in Bill Stepien's surveys of
    legacy American proles for the Save America PAC?

    "Trump's Oz endorsement makes sense. Oz is Trump's friend and
    defended him during the 2016 campaign when it was very risky for a
    TV host to do so. Oz will likely push for MAGA policies in office.
    Out of all the things to be outraged by, this endorsement isn't one
    of them" - Scott Greer <URL:https://twitter.com/ScottMGreer/status/1513190414102192131>

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