• MEDIA: Democrat-Linked Group Claims 96,000 Extra Immigrant Voters in Ge

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Sun Sep 11 00:36:32 2022
    Via Breitbart Immigration, Breitbart.COM/immigration, see Neil Munro
    on whether Donald Trump will invite Narendra Modi as a Save America
    PAC surrogate: <URL:https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/08/26/democrat-linked-group-claims-96000-extra-immigrant-voters-in-georgia/>
    | But "there's a certain amount of Republicans who actually believe
    | that ... a majority of all the immigrants are going to vote for
    | Republicans," he said. "It's a mystery to me," he said, adding, "the
    | Georgia government is driven by what the Georgia Chamber of Commerce
    | dictates."
    | Voters do not recognize the power of business lobbies in Georgia
    | politics, said King:
    || The Georgia Chamber of Commerce has their own lobbyists around
    || the Capitol, and I know that [House] speaker [Rep.] David Ralston
    || [GA-7], the second most powerful man in the state of Georgia, has
    || told state representatives -after he clears a bill to be dropped --
    || to go clear it with the Chamber of Commerce.
    | Kemp aligns himself with the state's business employers. His
    | campaign website says:
    || Governor Kemp built his first business - Kemp Development and
    || Construction Company - with a pick-up truck and a shovel. Over
    || thirty years later, he is a successful entrepreneur with companies
    || and investments in banking, farming, timber, manufacturing, and real
    || estate.
    | "After spending the last eighteen years watching Republican voters
    | in the monthly Saturday morning breakfasts and working in the
    | national and state Capitols," said King, "I can sadly report that
    | most of the voters have no idea how their government really works."

    Does Jared Kushner have a plan to prevent Suzanne Clark and Liz Shuler fortifying the 2024 election?
    "When Donald Trump won in 2016, deans at @wakeforestmed sent a weepy
    email to the students. When a med student bragged about stabbing a
    patient because of his politics, the deans complained about "unkind"
    people online. Then they give the student a voluntary study break."
    - Gregg Re

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