• MEDIA: Welcome Polling News for Immigration Realism

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Sun Aug 21 12:10:18 2022
    H/T Morris Dees and $PLC certified deplorable, Mark Krikorian, and
    his deplorable co-option of Paul Singer's website,
    Twitter.COM/MarkSKrikorian, see Alan Tonelson on whether Donald Trump
    regrets taking Jared Kushner's advice to downplay the National Question
    on the campaign trail against Joe Biden and Kamala Harris: <URL:https://alantonelson.wordpress.com/2022/08/13/im-politic-welcome-polling-news-for-immigration-realism/>
    | But it's really surprising, especially given their loathing of
    | immigration restrictionist Donald Trump and the growing influence of
    | progessives in the party, that the share of Democratic identifiers
    | supporting less immigration is up from 12 percent last year to 17
    | percent this year.
    | The YouGov survey was conducted in late July, and reported that by a
    | 35 percent to 31 percent margin, Americans believed that immigration
    | "makes the country" "worse off" instead of "better off." According
    | to Andrew Arthur of the Center for Immigration Studies, that's a
    | huge turnabout from what the same outfit found in September, 2019.
    | Then, "better off" won by 43 percent to 19 percent.

    Does Bill Stepien have tips offer Save America PAC endorsed candidates persuading legacy American proles that an immigration moratorium will
    benefit their posterity?

    "Trump and those around him are the villains in the FBI's "good
    story" while any number of FBI officials and assets--James Comey,
    Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Christopher Steele, Michael
    Sussmann to name a few--are victims and martyrs." - Julie Kelly <URL:https://amgreatness.com/2022/08/11/fbi-wont-let-facts-get-in- the-way-of-a-good-story/>

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