The following article, the fact the 54 years
young female with Islit (Insulinitis, see sig
for full description) has dealt with Islit since
age 9, only mentioned once. 5 times, the
diabetes word is used without clarifier in a
confusing & misleading manner, including ...
... in the title, and once the entity called the
American Diabetes Association is used, an
organization which frequently is guilty of
using the diabetes word without clarifier.
The individual speaking for that associa-
tion uses the diabetes word without clari-
fier in an inaccurate way in his advice.
He recommends the 54 years young female
use a continuous glucose monitor & he does
not mention the availability of a tubeless in-
sulin pump (Omnipod 5) which auto-adjusts
insulin basil dosages via readings from a
Dexcom G6 continuous glucose monitor.
He fails to mention that hypoglycemia death
risk is present in everyone who has Islit, from
the youngest of ages to the oldest of ages, &
all ages in between.
As for the female with Islit, injecting 2 shots
per day, the exact regimen I was on 'til I was
having problems, using NPH & Regular insulins
for over 50 years 'til I sought help from an endo-
crinologist & began using a CGM & insulin pump
& more expensive insulin (it's been so long, not ...
... sure when that was, 2013, maybe?). I looked
that up, & yes, per the following post that I made
June 30 2019, I got my first CGM in October 2013
& my first insulin pump in January 2014. A good
sign that at age 67, my memory is still strong.
Percent of Life dealing with Insulinitis (Islit)?
I fully documented my hypoglycemia problems &
after many years I appear to have fully solved that
problem with the Omnipod 5 & Dexcom G6 CGM.
However, the individual offering advice mentioning
glucagon injection, no help for someone like me
who lives alone.
Death risk from hypoglycemia, everyone with Islit
has to deal with that, 'tis the nature of the condition
at the current time &, hold on while I check, the fol-
lowing article doesn't indicate that anything better
than what I mentioned is available yet:
*~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~*
New SUPERIOR clarifying name for near-
total to total loss of endogenous insulin
The overwhelming majority of Islit caused
by autoimmune attacks on pancreatic beta
cells (Insulitis Islit) but there are
o 15 specific types of rapid onset Islit, a
rare condition (only present in < one-half
of 1% of Americans & in a much lower rate
in most of the world), when present is typ-
ically diagnosed at age under 30
(50% at age < 18, 20% at age 19 to 29)
o 1 slow onset specific type, Latent Auto-
immune Islit, frequency unknown but per
a recent report, misdiagnosed as Cellosis
(new clarifying name for type 2 diabetes)
almost 40% of the time due to slow onset
& occurrence typically at age over 30
Old outdated anachronistic name for Islit is
type 1 diabetes, confusing in that diabetes
without clarifier is often used to describe this
& the other 6 Disparate High Glucose Con-
ditions (DHGCs).
That makes figuring out which DHGC is actu-
ally being referred to (& it can be any 1, some,
or all of them when diabetes or diabetic word
used without clarifier) confusing / difficult:
Recent estimate that 20 million have Islit in the
world, 1 in 394 (2.583/10ths of 1%), less than
5% of the almost 470 million in the world who
have any of the 7 DHGCs, 95% having Cellosis
(see below for causalities):
Notably, one's relatives and one's birthplace
dramatically impact one's risk of getting the
Insulitis-caused Islit, as listed in details of all
15 specific types of rapid-onset Islit & the sole
specific type of slow onset Latent Autoimmune
Islit at
- - -
. Insulin / Insulin Pump / CGM I use
. Fiasp Ultra-Fast-Acting Insulin in a
. tubeless Omnipod insulin pump catheter
. placed into skin / pod with adhesive
. stuck onto skin every 80 hours, control
. via Omnipod 5 Controller connected to
. Dexcom G6 CGM providing auto-basil-dos-
. aging based on CGM glucose levels)
. Dexcom G6 CGM (continuous glucose monitor
. connected to Omnipod)
- - -
Stop Diabetes/Diabetic Confusion
with New Superior Clarifying Terms
- - -
o Preventable Cellosis is the only specific
type of Disparate High Glucose Condition
that is preventable & reversible (in many,
sometimes it's called type 2 diabetes, often
confusingly called diabetes with no clarifier)
Risk for Preventable Cellosis, Hypertension,
& Cardiovascular Disease increases as one's
weight increases but BMI risk increases at
lower BMI levels in non-white individuals:
o PreCellosis (often confusingly called predia-
betes with no clarifier) is the oft-times preven-
table & reversible Cellosis precondition that all-
too-often the overwhelming majority having it
are unaware they have it (almost 3 times more
have PreCellosis than have Cellosis).
o 20 specific types of Cellosis, unpreventable
& nonreversible (thus far, sometimes called
type 2 diabetes, all-too-often confusingly called
diabetes with no clarifier)
Per the following article, 5.3% with Cellosis
used exogenous insulin in 2019.
- - -
o 4 other Disparate High Glucose Conditions
exist (Gestational Cellosis, Diminosis, Neonatal
Diminosis, Ohiglucons), all 7 DHGCs fully des-
cribed in the following article:
Logic and reasoning behind ceasing using
confusing / misleading / misinforming diabetes
& diabetic & reactive hypoglycemia words and
phrases, replacing all of that with vastly superior
clarifying names:
Diabetes Bubble / Diabetes Bubble Burst
*~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~*
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