October 30 2021
Needle-Free Covid Vaccine Patches
Coming Soon, Say Researchers https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/needle-free-covid-vaccine-patches-coming-soon-say-researchers-2593042
Apart from being painless, Covid vaccine
skin patches could assist with distribution
efforts, because they don't have cold-chain
requirements -- and might even heighten
vaccine efficacy.
... Human trials are planned from April 2022.
... Vaxess has just opened a factory near Bos-
ton, with funding from the US National Insti-
tutes for Health. They aim to produce enough
patches to vaccinate 2,000 to 3,000 people in
clinical trials, which are to be launched next
summer 2022.
... "This is the future, in my opinion, it is inevit-
able. ... "I think you're going to see over the next
10 years, this (will) pretty dramatically reshape
the way that we get vaccines around the world."
- - - end excerpts - - -
"Soon" is a relative term but with the current Co-
vid-19 pandemic threatening the world, some-
thing like this can't come soon enough, and just
my take on it, I don't perceive "soon" is applicable
pertaining to clinical trials starting in April & ...
... Summer 2022 & whatever the article is refer-
encing when it mentions "the next 10 years".
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Skin patches have been undergoing research &
development for insulin delivery for quite some
time now (link to a 2018 article about several
projects involving various smart insulin delivery
methods including via insulin patches):
- - -
December 19, 2018
Smart Insulin: An Overview of All Projects https://mailchi.mp/thejdca/how-smart-is-smart-insulin-an-overview-of-all-projects-430289?e=9e2383f2eb
- - -
Note - The following article mistakenly conveys
that everyone with any of the 7 DHGCs (see below)
will rely on the technology, as they use the old out-
dated anachronistic misleading confusing diabetes
word without clarifier -9- times in the article.
Everyone? That's probably not true, but it's obvious
that all with Islit will rely on it, unclear the extent to
which those with non-Islit DHGCs not using exogen-
ous insulin currently would be treated via this new
device (assuming it's approved after human clinical
trials at some point in the future).
- - -
February 14 2020
Smart insulin-delivery patch could revolutionize
management of glucose levels for exogenous
insulin-requiring Disparate High Glucose Condi-
tions (DHGCs) one day (all with Islit, Insulinitis,
near-total to total loss of endogenous insulin, ...
... require multiple doses of exogenous insulin
daily, but about 95% with non-Islit DHGCs don't
use exogenous insulin, instead relying on oral
&/or injected non-insulin medication(s) &/or
exercise &/or diet to deal with problematic con-
tinued endogenous insulin availability, oft-times ...
... hampered by insulin resistance, but each of
the 7 DHGCs has unique causality / treatment /
risk profiles. https://www.plasticstoday.com/medical/smart-insulin-delivery-patch-could-revolutionize-diabetes-management-one-day
- - -
Smart Insulin Patch Photo - About the size of a
quarter, the adhesive patch monitors glucose lev-
els & automatically delivers insulin, in the dosages
required, via micro-needles made from a glucose-
sensing polymer. .https://www.plasticstoday.com/sites/plasticstoday.com/files/styles/article_featured_standard/public/smart-insulin-patch-400.jpg?itok=M8mB3yOB
... Researchers at the University of California Los
Angeles (UCLA), the University of North Carolina
School of Medicine & Massachusetts Institute of
Technology are developing the technology, which
they describe in a recent issue of Nature Biomed-
ical Engineering:
- - -
Published February 3 2020
Glucose-responsive insulin patch for the
regulation of blood glucose in mice and
- - -
Having successfully tested the technology on animals,
the research team, led by Zhen Gu, PhD, professor of
bioengineering at the UCLA Samueli School of Engin-
eering, has applied for FDA approval of clinical trials
in humans.
... The researchers are applying for FDA approval for
human clinical trials, which they anticipate could start
within a few years.
- - -
Last Update Posted : October 22, 2021
Efficacy and Safety of Recombinant
Human Insulin Patch ZJSRM2021
ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT05089942 https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05089942
- - -
[clarifying inserts, not part of original article,
included in brackets]
The aim of this study is to investigate the efficacy,
safety, and tolerability of the recombinant human
insulin patch ZJSRM2021 in healthy [well, in the
view of many, having any of the 7 DHGCs makes
one by definition unhealthy, but I suppose it's all ...
... a matter of how one decides one is healthy or
not] subjects, type 1 diabetes mellitus [Islit] and
type 2 diabetes mellitus [Cellosis] patients.
Estimated Study Start Date : December 2021
Estimated Primary Completion Date : December 2021
Estimated Study Completion Date : December 2022
[see article for further details]
- - - end of excerpts - - -
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The old confusing way which all-too-often
involves folks using the diabetes / diabetic
words without a clarifier:
diabetes / diabetic without a clarifier,
diabetes / diabetic guessing required https://prohuman.net/pix2/diabetesdiabeticguessinggame.jpg
- - -
Pro-Humanist FREELOVER, promoting
since May 17 2010 putting an end to all
outdated confusing misleading diabetes/
diabetic ways of referring to each and all
of Disparate High Glucose Conditions
(DHGCs) and one mostly non-glucose ...
... anomaly and one low glucose anomaly
which uses an outdated confusing reactive
hypoglycemia term, ... https://prohuman.net/pix2/diabetesdiabeticconfusion.jpg https://prohuman.net/pix2/diabetesdiabeticendingthemisunderstanding.jpg
... replacing all of that with new superior
clarifying medical terms which hopefully
will end diabetes/diabetic/reactive hypo-
glycemia confusion & misleading, putting
an end to the use of those terms, totally: https://prohuman.net/pix2/diabetesbubblediabetesbubblebursttitle.jpg https://prohuman.net/pix2/diabetesreactivehypoglycemiaoldnamesnewnames.jpg https://prohuman.net/pix2/oldnamesnewimprovednames.jpg
o There are 15 specific types of rapid onset
Insulinitis (Islit). I've had Insulitis Islit (the pre-
dominate type) since March 1961, age 5. https://prohuman.net/pix2/new_superior_clarifying_name_is_INSULINITIS.jpg
o There is 1 slow onset type of Islit, Latent
Autoimmune Islit.
o There are 21 specific types of the most
widespread DHGC which is present in up to
95% of those with any DHGC, Cellosis, new
superior clarifying name for type 2 diabetes,
its precondition is called PreCellosis.
The only preventable/reversible DHGC is
Preventable Cellosis, new clarifying specific
type of the preventable type 2 diabetes, esti-
mated to be the type that at least 85% of
Americans with Cellosis have.
Risk for Preventable Cellosis, Hypertension,
& Cardiovascular Disease increases as one's
weight increases but BMI risk increases at
lower BMI levels in non-white individuals: https://prohuman.net/pix2/BMI-WaistCircumference-Cellosis&Hypertension&CardiovascularDisease-Risk.jpg
o There is 1 specific type of DHGC that
happens in < 10% of pregnancies called
Gestational Cellosis.
o There are 11 specific types of diminished
insulin production, monogenic conditions
called Diminosis.
o There are 12 specific type of diminished
insulin production that occurs up to 6 months
after birth, monogenic conditions called Neo-
natal Diminosis.
o There are 25 specific types of continued but
problematic DHGCs called Ohiglucons (Other
High Glucose Conditions).
o There are 6 specific types of a mostly non-
glucose anomaly called Insipidus.
o There are 21 specific types of Hypoglycemia
Uncaused by Treatments for High Glucose (Hut).
Details on all of those DHGCs / a mostly non-
glucose anomaly / a low glucose anomaly:
Diabetes Bubble / Diabetes Bubble Burst
Wonderful! https://prohuman.net/diabetesbubblediabetesbubbleburst.htm
C.ure I.nsulinitis A.ssociation
Ideal! https://prohuman.net/cureinsulinitisassociation.htm
Glucose Anomalies Research regarding
Potential Cures / Improvements in Treatments
Hopefully! https://prohuman.net/glucoseanomaliesresearch.htm
- - -
Those who favor new terms, the following
is inspirational:
I Do Not Like Diabetes Here or There,
I Do Not Like Diabetes Anywhere https://smile.amazon.com/Not-Like-Diabetes-Anywhere-shirt/dp/B01N25FMMI/ref=pd_d0_recs_v2_cwb_193_3?_encoding=UTF8&refRID=WJHV2S8X0YG21Z9WVQD5&th=1
See No
Speak No
Hear No
Faith Will Make It So https://smile.amazon.com/CafePress-Speak-Diabetes-Unique-Coffee/dp/B014JS6QDI/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?s=home-garden&ie=UTF8&qid=1513534468&sr=1-2-spons&keywords=diabetes+cup&psc=1
Syllables - Comparison of old
diabetes terms / new terms https://prohuman.net/diabetesoldtermsnewtermssyllables.htm
Stop Diabetes/Diabetic Confusion
with New Superior Clarifying Terms https://www.change.org/stopdiabetesdiabeticconfusionwithNewSuperiorClarifyingTerms
~!~ ~!~ ~!~ ~!~ ~!~ ~!~ ~!~ ~!~ ~!~ ~!~ ~!~
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