Nathaniel, diagnosed with Islit (Insulinitis,
near-total to total loss of endogenous in-
sulin) at age 1, passed away at age 20
due to unnamed Islit sequelae.
The article mentions Nathaniel having keto-
acidosis as a teenager. The article says "due
to fears of catching Covid-19 in hospital, Na-
thaniel kept his ill-health a secret, and even-
tually died at home on May 2 last year."
Unclear what the ill-health is referring to, or
why Nathaniel feared catching Covid-19 in
a hospital.
See the sequelae list in the following sig for
what may have been entailed in Nathaniel's
death at age 20, the article using the totally
inadequate term "complications" providing no
clue about what Nathaniel's actual cause(s)
of death was(were).
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Pro-Humanist FREELOVER, I got Insulinitis
(Islit) caused by Insulitis at age 5 in March
1961, 60 years ago.
- - -
Long-term sequelae risks for those who have
any of the Disparate High Glucose Conditions
(DHGCs) include
o A high chance of reduced life expectancy
o Increased risk of
-coronary artery disease
-atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries)
-heart attack
-neuropathy (damage to the nerves)
-eye problems including blindness
-kidney damage (nephropathy) including
kidney failure
-many types of malignant cancer (not all types)
-sexual problems (in both men and women)
-pregnancy risks to pregnant women with
any DHGC and to their unborn babies
Short-term sequelae risk of those with any
DHGC who use any hypoglycemia-causing
o Hypoglycemia, which can be severe causing
seizure, loss of cognizance, loss of conscious-
ness, death (that's estimated to kill 5% to 11%
of those with Islit)
Short-term sequelae risk most likely in those
with Islit, but can occur in those with any of
the non-Islit DHGCs (albeit it occurs much
more often in Islit):
o Ketoacidosis, if not countered with enough
exogenous insulin in time, it causes death
- - -
C.ure I.nsulinitis A.ssociation
Glucose Anomalies Research regarding
Potential Cures / Improvements in Treatments
Soon is Desired!
Logic and reasoning behind ending the use of
confusing / misleading / misinforming diabetes
& diabetic & reactive hypoglycemia words &
phrases, & replacing all of that with superior
clarifying names which I originally created &
defined in May 2010, updating it many times
since then:
Diabetes Bubble / Diabetes Bubble Burst
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
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