• GBP postings

    From Randall Cunningham@21:1/5 to All on Mon Oct 17 10:29:02 2022
    My name is Randall Cunningham, and I help businesses like yours with their Google listings and getting found easier online. Do you have nice pictures on your google listing? It may look like you have a very nice business, but it may also be hard for
    people to find you online.
    Try googling the keywords for your business and see if you appear in the first several listings. You might have to scroll down quite a few listings to get to yours. If you don’t see yours at all then you may not have even claimed your listing.
    I offer a service which can help businesses like yours. Basically, I can optimize your Google listing and post relevant content to it daily. The kind of content your potential clients and customers will like. I help businesses like yours by making their
    Google listing appear for more searches and look very appealing to potential clients and customers.
    If you’d like to know more about this service, please reach out to me. Thank you for your time.
    Let me help you get found easier and faster by more people who will buy from you!

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