If I Were Mayor of Saskatoon - Part A - By Kabatoff, Daryl (3/3)
Daryl Kabatoff@21:1/5 to
All on Sat May 23 20:38:21 2020
[continued from previous message]
The federal government recently legalized marijuana, but renters have no place to smoke and can face fines for smoking in public places, it is a sorry state of affairs for the smokers who rent. It is also a sorry state for the renters who do not smoke
and have to tolerate the smoke from the other tenants. We should look at providing designated smoking areas for people that smoke tobacco or marijuana. Renters smoking inside non-smoking facilities should consider moving to a tiny house located outside
of the city before they are charged for administering noxious substances. Be aware that just a small amount of second hand smoke will wake most non-smokers out of a deep sleep as the smoke makes hearts beat faster.
No tax money to be utilized for sports. Institute a program to help military cadets, sports groups and other clubs raise money for their organizations, where the members record bylaw violations and have the resulting fines shared between the city and
the organizations. Target the areas where bars are located and impose fines upon people for littering and for urinating in public. Submitting a 10 minute video of an unattached trailer on a city street can earn your organization cold hard cash. Military
cadets are not receiving adequate funding and require additional time practicing marksmanship at gun ranges, it costs money. Up until the mid 1960’s Saskatoon had a shooting range and an annual turkey shoot downtown at First Avenue and Twenty-Second
Street where the Hilton now stands, children would pay a very small fee to try to hit the target and win a turkey. Children used to travel to the outskirts of the city carrying their rifles across the handlebars of their bicycles, where their recreation
was to walk in the prairie wilderness and shoot gophers and sparrows with their BB guns and .22 caliber rifles. Many half-ton trucks coming to the city from rural areas had rifles visibly stored on racks hanging above the seat at the back of the cabs.
Now we import people who want to slaughter us and we prevent our children from learning how to shoot and become responsible gun owners.
Freemason (Catholic) judges are allowing criminals to go free. And the judges that send people to “psychiatric evaluation” are very well aware that they have stripped the individual of their rights to defend themselves in a court of law, and the
individual will be tortured by psychiatrists for years to come. These judges are criminals, complicit in torture, who need to be themselves arrested, detained and “evaluated”. Although it is probably not possible to get the Catholic police to arrest
the Catholic judges, nor is it possible to get Catholic judges to render unbiased judgments against other Catholic judges, the city should monitor the proceedings in the courts and try to ensure that white people and native people receive similar
penalties as people of other races, ensure that males receive similar penalties as the females, ensure that the rich receive similar penalties as the poor, ensure that Christians receive similar penalties as people from other religions… anything less
is evil and directly leads to the downfall of civilization. Because Canadian children are literally getting away with murder, council should study the issue of expulsion of entire families from the city when their children are out of control. Homeowners
who are raising criminal children should at the very least face higher property taxes to help compensate their victims, and face penalties of even greater degrees if they are found to be systematically teaching their children to violate laws. Out of
control renters should become responsible small home owners, perhaps 30 to 60 miles outside of the city.
Many years ago I ran for mayor, my literature pointed out that the city lowered taxes for banks. I also indicated that we should ban cars that burn excessive quantities of “oil” in their dilapidated vehicles, the media reported that I wanted to
ban vehicles that burned an excess quantity of “gas” (the Star-Phoenix refused to print a correction), and no mention was made of me pointing out that the city reduced taxes for banks. Opinions that are in opposition to those espoused by the media
should be allowed… people should be allowed to poster on all city poles and on city electrical/traffic boxes, and not face penalties for doing so. Because opinions in Saskatoon are censored, we must be diligent to allow opinions to be posted onto
street poles, allow people to speak their opinions on public streets, and allow people to distribute their newspapers on public sidewalks. Islamists should understand that this is supposedly a free country and their blasphemous-murdering-pedophile-
prophet may be openly mocked. Islam is not a race but an idea, in free countries ideas are open to debate, criticism and even laughter.
Placing an arena on the outskirts of the city resulted in a great financial loss to downtown businesses and to the city as a whole. When I ran for mayor I supported the building of a centrally located arena, and continue to do so, but I no longer
support using money collected by taxes to do so. The tax money collected from home and business owners should be managed in a more responsible manner than what was done to date. The city is in trouble with debt, this debt needs to be eliminated.
An end to attempting to stop river banks from slumping. The costs involved in attempting to save a home or two located along the river bank far exceeds the value of the homes, and that cost should not be borne by taxpayers. The people who desire to
save their homes when the river banks start slumping should be free to attempt to stop the slumping on their own. Maybe dig a few deep holes and pour a few steel-reinforced concrete piles, don’t look for assistance from city engineers nor any other
city employee. Get some of them fancy blinkin’ lights to indicate that your property is slumping, make the best of your situation. You can’t be too safe, if your property is slumping then consider painting your house yellow as a warning to others.
Rather than cater to the needs of the local citizens, the University of Saskatchewan trains foreign students, including Islamic students, to become medical doctors, dentists, chemists, engineers, and such. Islamists come to Saskatoon and earn doctoral
degrees by synthesizing new chemical compounds, and by researching properties of these new compounds such as the temperature at which these compounds explode. Islamists are trained to become psychiatrists and then under Trudeau are allowed to work in
Canada (torture Canadians) without they themselves being Canadian citizens. Some Islamists even come to the University of Saskatchewan and do dissertations on nosecone designs. The local students who desire admission to these programs are thwarted by the
seats being allocated to the foreigners, and are thwarted by being unable to sign up for desired classes because their student loans arrive after the classes are filled, and are shunted into the College of Arts and Sciences where the degree results in
debt, poverty and unemployment. Numerous studies have shown that as Islamists increase their overall percentages in communities throughout the world, that violent crimes committed by them increases, to the point when they are numerous enough that they
then act in unison to enslave women and slaughter their opponents. Because the University of Saskatchewan is instrumental in increasing the number of Islamists into Saskatchewan, which will inevitably result in increased crimes and higher taxes, the
university should face financial penalties to assist the communities deal with the increased tax burdens. Just like other communities throughout the world that face an invasion of Islamists, Saskatoon can expect infrastructure losses due to bombings…
we should start saving money to pay for the replacement of the bombed bridges and buildings, and force the University to post a $3 billion performance bond to help cover the future replacement costs (for the University teaches Islamists to synthesize
compounds that explode). The Islamists are being provided with higher education, resulting in higher incomes, and many have arrived to Saskatoon with money they stole from the Christians and the Catholics they killed in Africa, the Middle-East and Asia
before they arrived here, they should be taxed higher than average due to their increased costs they place upon the communities they invade. If the University of Saskatchewan fails to post a $3 billion performance bond to cover the future replacement
costs of destroyed infrastructure, then the city should immediately move to expropriate much of the university lands.
The Catholics stole an Egyptian obelisk (a representation of a penis) and placed it prominently in Vatican Square, then each winter turn an evergreen tree into a decorated idol and place it next to the pagan penis, suitable as both are symbols of
fertility… the penis is worshipped as a symbol of fertility due to its reproductive role, while the evergreen tree is worshipped as a symbol of fertility due to remaining green throughout the year. Catholics co-opted Protestant churches and use these
churches to teach people to honor the pagan fertility rites, even many Seventh-day Adventist churches place Egyptian dinks on their roofs and place trees turned into decorated idols next to their pulpits and in front of their churches. The Seventh-day
Adventists teach people to honor God’s Fourth Commandment while at the same time are teaching people to violate God’s first Three Commandments, and have the audacity to claim their church is the bulwark of truth. Moslems similarly embrace phallic
worship, they build penises into their mosque architecture, including into their new mosque in Saskatoon. As mayor of Saskatoon, I will not spend people’s money on promoting Catholic fertility rites, Islamic fertility rites, or on fertility rites
espoused by any other religious group. If citizens want to turn their homes, churches, mosques and temples into pagan temples of fertility, let them, but it is wrong to spend tax money on turning city building, streets and parks into blinking pagan
temples of fertility.
The courts in Saskatoon and in other Canadian cities are citing the large number of black and aboriginal people languishing in jails as a reason to render softer sentences upon individuals from those racial backgrounds, which amounts to racism. This
racism conducted by the Catholic courts results in people happily violating laws as penalties are weak or non-existent. I complained that the churches were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism and were teaching people to embrace traditions that
are in direct opposition to God’s Commandments and received many years of brutal horrid torture at the hands of predominantly Hindu psychiatrists at the Royal University Hospital at the University of Saskatchewan and at Saskatoon City Hospital. I would
be detained and tortured for repeated 6-week periods, then injected with drugs on the final day of each 6-week session that resulted in a couple of months of additional horror after each time I was released. Once I lightly punched a fellow who was
censoring my posters and was rewarded by the judge with additional months of torture.
Once I was brutally beaten (I nearly died) at the Mount Royal Seventh-day Adventist Church (for daring to speak at a Wednesday night Bible study) and was again rewarded with an additional 6-week round of brutal horrid torture (and a couple months
additional torture resulting from the drugs injected into me on the last day of the “treatment”). I was brutally assaulted by James George De Witt (born May 8th 1953), and then arrested and tortured, for being brutally assaulted at the Mount Royal
Seventh-day Adventist Church was used as additional evidence that I was acting up and deserving of a needle in my arse. George James De Witt had arms that were much bigger than my legs, his brother was a national boxing champion - George De Witt grabbed
me at the Wednesday night SDA Bible study and flung me up the stairs and then punched me in the head as hard as he could. As I lay on the lawn next to the Mount Royal Seventh-day Adventist Church the Adventists departed their Bible study, I wasn’t able
to move and nobody came out to see how I was. These Adventists don’t like to hear that their church censors Scriptural references to cannibalism, don’t like to hear that they teach people to abide by Catholic fertility rites, they don’t like to
hear that many of their churches are capped with Egyptian obelisks (representations of penises). The following Saturday I stood outside the Seventh-day Adventist Central Church on Victoria Ave. and showed off my ripped clothes and injuries, one Adventist
told me not to come back or they would do worse to me. I attended that church hoping for assistance to flee many years of psychiatric horror, they instead beat me to the point of death and then had me arrested and tortured. George De Witt’s daughter
posted that she was so pleased that her dad beat the shit out of me, that I was deserving of the beating. I wanted help to flee Canada, instead the Adventists brutalized me further.
Soon after a drug-dealing immigrant from El Salvador (Manuel Oswaldo Chinchilla Morales, born February 8th 1977), who lived with his Seventh-day Adventist family, together with his friends, beat me in downtown Saskatoon. After returning home from the
hospital I continued to lay in bed for weeks, fearful that the police were going to come and arrest me again, for speaking again. So the worst two beatings I ever experienced in life were dealt to me at a Seventh-day Adventist Wednesday Night Bible Study
and then by a drug dealing immigrant from El Salvador who lived in Saskatoon with his Seventh-day Adventist immigrant family. I was already devastated by years of horror in psychiatric facilities in Saskatoon, these people must have seen me as an easy
conquest. George De Witt’s muscular arms were bigger than my thighs, the punch he gave me would likely have killed over 95% of the people on the planet, he is a soldier of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Ethnic diversity is negatively impacting poor whites and poor aboriginal natives, resources provided by governments have limits and are being provided to the newcomers at the expense of the poor. Years ago a group of Syrians arrived to the airport and
were welcomed by three levels of government - civil, provincial and federal government representatives welcomed these newcomers and provided homes and money for them, while at the same time many white and native people were sleeping in bushes along the
riverbank and under bridges. People could not find it in their hearts to provide a bed for the homeless in Saskatoon, yet when the Syrians and other Islamists were flown in they were provided with hotel rooms, hotel meals and swimming pools. The new
Islamist immigrants were provided for at great cost, multitudes more resources were provided for them than for our own, who struggle to live here in abject poverty.
Now we hear on a daily basis of Latin American, Asian and African immigrants committing murders and other serious crimes against white European people. White people in Canada signed treaties with native aboriginals to share this land, these treaties
do not give us permission to import many millions of brutal Latin American, Asian and African immigrants. And due to the high amount of gun violence committed by these new immigrants in Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia, the Islamic federal
government now wants to remove our access to guns rather than punish the murderous and racist thugs. The Canadian Islamic federal government has an agenda that includes allowing white people (especially white males) to perish and this should have been a
civic issue long ago. They are housing foreign thugs in Toronto, allowing these thugs to commit repeated acts of violence without serious penalty, then these foreign thugs make excursions to western provinces and commit serious crimes here before
returning to Toronto… governments in other regions of Canada are acting as enemies to the citizens of Saskatoon, they should pay for the damages their negligent actions are causing us.
We need to place people on notice that these brutal assaults will be attended to. So, as mayor, I will instruct the police to arrest and detain the hockey players that assault fellow hockey players on the ice. The assaults would be witnessed by
thousands of people, there is no doubt of guilt, these hockey players should be immediately arrested and removed from the ice in handcuffs. The arena in Saskatoon should not be used as a platform to teach children to assault one another. Should the arena
continue to be used as a platform to teach people to assault one another, and if the perpetrators of the assaults are not brought to justice, then as mayor I will try to gain council support to limit or outright curtail activities at the arena. If people
abuse the arena, then they should lose access to the arena. If the Catholic judges decide to free the Catholic hockey players without sufficient penalty, then all the Catholic hockey teams can play their Catholic “games” elsewhere. Every time a major
event occurs at our northernly placed arena, the result is traffic jams that require multiple police offers to attend and untangle, one or two of those officers should instead be posted next to the ice and will be poised to arrest the perpetrators of the
on-ice assaults. On one hand there is additional costs due to the additional policing required for these traffic jams, on the other hand the police are being used to direct traffic rather than being used in more useful roles, such as arresting violence
wherever it occurs in the community.
The Catholic fertility rites (which includes tree and penis worship) are being whole-heartedly adopted by aboriginals in and around the community of Saskatoon. At One-Arrow First Nation, the native aboriginals placed a statue of their leader Chief One-
Arrow upon an Egyptian representation of a penis. They see how other communities in and outside of Canada honors their war dead by placing statues of soldiers next to or directly on top of Egyptian dinks, so the ignorant aboriginal Indians similarly
adopted this Catholic ritual and hoisted a statue of their beloved ancestor upon a pagan penis as well. The aboriginal children faced a couple of hundred years of sodomy at the hands of the Catholic priests, and they incredibly respond by placing a
statue of Chief One-Arrow upon a pagan representation of a penis. The result of embracing Catholic fertility rites in place of God’s Commandments is that God withdraws His protection and allows Canada to be flooded with Islamists, Hindus and Sikhs, all
of whom similarly embrace pagan fertility rites including penis whoreship. Covering the many penises built into the Amritsar temple with gold doesn’t make the penises nor the Sikhs holy. Using a long row of obelisks (Egyptian penises) to mark our
southern border dothn’t make our southern border secure. Filling our cemetaries with obelisks (Egyptian penises) dothn’t mean our dead went or are heading to heaven. Placing a statue of Chief One Arrow on top of an Egyptian representation of a dink
dothn’t mean anything other than a combination of evil and ignorance. If there is some sort of historical evidence that Chief One Arrow found his penis to be of tremendous importance and perhaps even played with it, then there might be some merit to
the idea of placing a statue of him standing on top of an Egyptian dink. It was before my time, and there are two different cultures here (Indian and Egyptian) which are both very dissimilar to my own culture, so I am not entirely qualified to comment
further on the issue.
It matters little to God which particular group of pagan penis whoreshippers occupies any country. Many of the aboriginal Indians flip-flop between “Catholicism” and “Traditional Native Spirituality” depending upon whom they are trying to get
into their beds and fuck on any particular day, rather indicating their true religion to be “sex”. So as the native aboriginals blindly engage in their phallic worship, members of alternative fertility cults invade Canada, and it just doesn’t
matter to God which particular fertility cult occupies any country.
Many native reserves are plagued with violent crimes, the young there failed to listen to the wisdom of their grandmothers and other elders, they failed to listen to and obey God. In most reserves the children flip-flop between Catholicism and Native
Spirituality depending upon whom they are trying to get into bed with on any particular day, resulting in them getting infected with HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. Then these folks come to the city and continue with their criminal and
violent activities and spread their diseases here. The problem would be mitigated if the provincial government ceased giving rent money to people on welfare. Instead of the government handing over money for rental accommodations and benefitting landlords,
the provincial government should be handing out a few dollars worth of building material so people may construct their own tiny off grid homes away from the cities. The city can continue to expect violent crimes and the spread of diseases as long as
governments continue policies designed to bankrupt people and bankrupt communities, and as long as people dismiss God’s Commandments as being valid for our day. Children are taught to bow to trees turned into decorated idols rather than to attempt to
honor God’s Commandments.
Veterans and others are being tortured to death in psychiatric facilities, people think they unite against evil by turning trees into blinkin' idols (a Catholic fertility rite) and singing Jingle Bells, and by having people arrested and tortured for
daring to criticize the Catholic churches. What most Americans do for the veterans, is place decorated wreaths made from evergreen trees upon the veteran's grave stones... these war veterans never fought for your right to honor Catholic fertility rites.
Often a statue of a veteran is made and placed to stand next to or directly on top of an Egyptian penis, then people bow to this Egyptian penis by placing a decorated evergreen wreath at the base of the pagan dink. People think themselves holy for
honoring Catholic fertility rites, but by honoring these pagan fertility rites God allows their nations to be invaded by members of alternative fertility cults. In Canada people spent many millions of dollars to try to force me to shut up about the
Egyptian penises on the roofs of their filthy God-damned churches, to shut up about how their "Christmas" celebrations are in violation of God's First Three Commandments, to try to force me to shut up about the churches censoring Scriptural references to
cannibalism. In 1988 proclaimed as loudly as I could that it is no surprise that the priests are ramming their penises up children’s arseholes for they already advertise themselves by placing Egyptian penises on the roofs of their filthy churches. I
was arrested and given to a Hindu psychiatrist who said that I think too much about penises, but I am not the one who thinks so highly of penises that I would place one on the roof of a church, and besides, Hindus gain their spiritual bliss via orgasm.
Catholics employed Hindus to do their dirty work for them. I criticized the pedophilia in the Catholic Church, people responded by calling me a pedophile and having me tortured for years. When I complained I was being tortured by Hindus, people laughed
at me and assaulted me further, now they train Hindus, Islamists and Sikhs, people who are citizens of foreign nations, to become psychiatrists at our universities, and they are allowed to work in the field of psychiatry in Canada without becoming
Canadian citizens.
Saskatoon requires water and sewer upgrades, these repairs should be considered as of far greater importance than paving streets, clearing streets of snow, designating bike lanes or separating recyclables. Saskatoonians who drive cars should consider
driving trucks instead as we do not have the money to keep the roads in top condition, especially if we are digging up streets to replace water lines and bury the power lines. Most bicyclists in Saskatoon wish they owned cars or trucks, may they prosper
and purchase themselves some kind of warm vehicle. It will be pretty difficult for the poor to prosper now that the federal government allows non-Canadians to work in Canada, and because most any government aid goes to others now. The banks took so much
money from people in the communities, now they employ non-Canadians from Iran or other Islamic countries to work behind desks at bank branches and determine if you are worthy of a loan. There should be an end to the City of Saskatoon employing people who
are not Canadian citizens. It saddens me to see city hall and assorted business employ foreigners rather than employ the unemployed and underemployed people in and around Saskatoon.
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