• AM Radio Sucks

    From Nomen Nescio@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jun 4 06:24:09 2023
    Modern AM radio has got to be over 50% commercials rather than
    entertainment. Who needs the weather forecast every eight minutes
    filled with bunches of commercials before it, during it, and after it?

    The talk shows feature guests who do their interview over phone
    instead of visiting the studio as in the old days. Most of them use
    the microphone option for speaking. They end up sounding like
    they're talking from down inside a metal garbage can.

    If you like listening to hours of hate and name calling, then modern
    day radio programming is for you. And that complaint is in regard to
    both sides of the aisle - conservative and liberal programming.

    And have you noticed that all the programming hosts like Hannity,
    Levin and others claim their sponsors are their "good friends", and
    they personally use the product? These clowns are all bought and
    paid for commercial pimps and little else. All they do is regurgitate
    the news, despite Hannity's intro which promises "bold, inspired

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