• whites killed 6 million muslims, muslims mustkill 6mil whtes

    From Nomen Nescio@21:1/5 to All on Sat Mar 5 18:15:52 2022
    XPost: soc.culture.british, soc.culture.uk

    whites killed 6 million muslims,
    muslims must kill 6 million whites
    behead 6 million whites and make allah mohammad happy

    muslims kill whiteys goto heaven get 72 virgin whitey hores
    whiteys killled 6 million muslims
    muslims must kill 6 million white christians
    get revenge you see whitey you kill whitey
    rape whitey torchure whitey
    kidnap whiteys rape whiteys in dungeons
    until they beg for meercy
    torchure whiteys every minute make whiteys cry
    make whitey pain
    torchure whiteys sufferiung
    kill every whitey you see
    gouge whitey eyes, cut off whitey genitals
    cut off whitey ear
    cut ogf white tongue whiteys lie whoel life
    so cut off whitey tongues
    stab whitey eyes with knife
    rape whiteys go to haeven

    stab whitey eyes murder whiteys
    torchure whites go to haeven
    get 72 virgin whitey hoes

    kill every whitey you see for allah
    rape every whitey for allah
    murder every whitey for allah
    kidnap whiteys murder whiteys for allah

    show no meercy
    whites murdered 6 million muslims

    muslims must get avenge kill 6 million whiteys

    kill whites like we exterminate insects
    whites are eevil kill whites and go to heaven
    if you kill 10 whites you will spend your live in heaven
    kill 5 whites you spend 5 years in haeven getting dick
    sucked by white hoes
    kille 3 whiteys you get 72 virgin white hoes to fuck rape
    kill 2 whiteys you get only 2 white hoes suck dick in haeven
    kill 1 whitey no haeven

    kill whiteys wonkeys now don't wait kill whiteys now
    indiscrimanately rape whiteys impregnate whitys
    destroy whitey race

    rape whiteys kill whiteys no second thougts
    kill whietys go to heaven
    rape whiteys go to haeven
    torture whiteys go to haevens = get 72 whitey genius
    white hoes suck your dick
    humiliate whiteys evry minute

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