• Actual Old Fashioned Potato Chips WITH Salt

    From CoryT@BS.Net@21:1/5 to All on Fri Apr 26 02:38:14 2024
    XPost: misc.consumers

    I found them at our local Aldi's market.

    They're the old fashioned whitish, not the new hard-as-nails
    yellowish ones, and they have salt. Matter of fact, they're a little
    too salty, but still worth eating in measured amounts over a week's
    time. Look for Clancy's Original Potato Chips.

    I also found pretzels which still have salt on them. The brand name
    is Schnitzel, and they have to be ordered online. Plus, they are much
    thinner than the old fashioned straight pretzel. They are a bit too
    salty for my taste. Their very thin body pretty much eliminates the
    taste. You have to put a number of them in your mouth to actually get
    the proper taste.

    The too thin body and over-salting turned me off. I won't be buying
    anymore of them. Sad what these bums who make pretzels and such have
    done to their products.

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