• Buy credit clone card with high balance

    From Jeff Jzjeh@21:1/5 to All on Wed Nov 29 00:18:15 2023
    Telegram ID @Ccexpres
    Whatsapp: +1 (213) 632-9854
    telegram channels

    We have high and low cash balance clone credit cards for sale at affordable rates.

    Low Balance Cards
    $150 for balance $1K
    $350 for balance $3K
    $450 for balance $4K
    $550 for balance $5k
    $800 for balance $6k

    High Balance cards

    $1500 for balance $15k
    $3000 for balance $30k
    $5000 for balance $50k
    $7000 for balance $ 70k

    All cards come with their pin codes and valid for cashout world. cash balance is converted to your currency and cashout. Cards are non traceable ,OTP bypass and secured for use in online shopping, supermarket shopping and petrol points like your normal
    visa,master cord or gold cards. We ship cards discreetly worldwide and countries where cards are not workable, we will inform you when order is placed.

    Telegram ID @Ccexpres
    Whatsapp: +1 (213) 632-9854
    telegram channels
    - Customer who want test, please buy low cash balance for test and if the cc is good customer can buy more from me, pls dont ask free test and sample or screenshot with me.
    - Customer buy over 5 orders, I will discount for you.
    - I have a replacement policy for bad cc. All my cc are inspected before sale. - Cc will be sent to you after receiving payment. Orders will be sent via courier for clone cards where you want and warranty for you 24h after you buy within United States and 3 working days out of United States.

    - Payment methods ;BTC(Bitcoin) or any crypto current. Also open to options but we use the most secured payment platform for the security of our clients.

    Telegram ID @Ccexpres
    Whatsapp: +1 (213) 632-9854
    telegram channels

    Telegram ID @Ccexpres
    Whatsapp: +1 (213) 632-9854
    telegram channels

    Telegram ID @Ccexpres
    Whatsapp: +1 (213) 632-9854
    telegram channels

    Telegram ID @Ccexpres
    Whatsapp: +1 (213) 632-9854
    telegram channels

    Telegram ID @Ccexpres
    Whatsapp: +1 (213) 632-9854
    telegram channels

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