• Circling an object in a picture on my Windws 10 computer?

    From Doug Hosie@21:1/5 to All on Sat Apr 29 15:37:52 2023
    Hello Everyone,
    I'm sure my question will seem elementary to the majority of you, but I'm not tech-savvy enough to figure out how to do it. I have Windows 10 as my OS and I don't know if there is a feature already downloaded on my computer that would enable me to do
    that. If not, can somebody please tell me which program I would need to download to accomplish what I'd like to do? If you can, would you please give the steps in the easiest to understand as possible? I've been wishing that I could find out for a
    very long time and just tonight I saw a picture that has an object that is camouflaged in it and I would like to circle the object and send it to a friend. I've made it a goal to find out how to do it tonight

    Thank you very much for any help you can give me

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