• help needed with LibreOffice Java bridge on armhf

    From Rene Engelhard@21:1/5 to All on Wed Nov 1 20:50:01 2023

    since LibreOffice 7.6 (which added some more tests which were manual
    before to the automatic set) the testtools' bridge test fails:


    only on armhf. armel and arm64 just work.

    it says

    [build CHK] test
    S=/<<PKGBUILDDIR>> && I=$S/instdir &&
    W=$S/workdir && mkdir -p $W/Module/check/ && touch $W/Module/check/test
    S=/<<PKGBUILDDIR>> && I=$S/instdir &&
    W=$S/workdir && LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:}"$I/progr am:$I/program"   $I/program/uno.bin -s com.sun.star.test.bridge.BridgeTest --
    com.sun.star.test.bridge.CppTestObject -env:LO_BUILD_LIB_DIR=file://$W/Link Target/Library -env:URE_MORE_SERVICES=file://$W/Rdb/uno_services.rdb -env:URE_MORE_TYPES=file://$W/UnoApiTarget/bridgetest.rdb && LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${L D_LIBRARY_PATH:+$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:}"$I/program:$I/program" $I/program/uno.bin -s com.sun.star.test.bridge.BridgeTest -- com.sun.star.test.bridge.Ja
    vaTestObject noCurrentContext -env:LO_BUILD_LIB_DIR=file://$W/LinkTarget/Library -env:URE_MORE_SERVICES=file://$W/Rdb/uno_services.rdb
    two floats struct test failed
    *** stack smashing detected ***: terminated
    Aborted (core dumped)
    make[3]: *** [/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/testtools/CustomTarget_uno_test.mk:32: /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/workdir/CustomTarget/testtools/uno_test.done] E rror 134

    (Even though one probably shouldn't do it I did try to build it

    - without -fstack-protector-strong -> with just -fstack-protector: fails
    the same way

    - without -fstack-protector:

    Fails in a different way:

    touch /data/ssd/rene/libreoffice-7.6.2/workdir/Executable/uno.run S=/data/ssd/rene/libreoffice-7.6.2 && I=$S/instdir && W=$S/workdir && LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:}"$I/program:$I/program" $I/program/uno.bin -s com.sun.star.test.bridge.BridgeTest -- com.sun.star.test.bridge.CppTestObject -env:LO_BUILD_LIB_DIR=file://$W/LinkTarget/Library -env:URE_MORE_SERVICES=file://$W/Rdb/uno_services.rdb -env:URE_MORE_TYPES=file://$W/UnoApiTarget/bridgetest.rdb && LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:}"$I/program:$I/program" $I/program/uno.bin -s com.sun.star.test.bridge.BridgeTest -- com.sun.star.test.bridge.JavaTestObject noCurrentContext -env:LO_BUILD_LIB_DIR=file://$W/LinkTarget/Library -env:URE_MORE_SERVICES=file://$W/Rdb/uno_services.rdb -env:URE_MORE_TYPES=file://$W/UnoApiTarget/bridgetest.rdb
    two floats struct test failed
    four floats struct test failed
    ### float does not match! failed
    ### double does not match! failed
    struct comparison test failed
    armhf doubles test failed
    ### float does not match! failed
    ### double does not match! failed
    recursive test results failed
    remote multi failed: 0 != 6.38084e-314
    standard test failed
    exception occurred: error: test failed! at ./testtools/source/bridgetest/bridgetest.cxx:1275

    error: error: test failed! at
    dying...make: ***
    [/data/ssd/rene/libreoffice-7.6.2/testtools/CustomTarget_uno_test.mk:32: /data/ssd/rene/libreoffice-7.6.2/workdir/CustomTarget/testtools/uno_test.done] Error 1

    So might it be the same failure mode as ppc64/s390x?

    See the discussion upstream in https://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/libreoffice/2023-September/thread.html: "new bridgetest failures in 7.6 on ppc64le "

    (while mentioning ppc64el initially s390x is affected, too)

    and continued in October


    especially https://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/libreoffice/2023-October/091058.html


    after which unfortunately noting important happened. (And I don't see a
    patch either at Fedora git nor submitted upstream to fix this.)

    This is probably architecture-specific since the other architectures
    *do* work (except ppc64el and s390x).

    Can you have a look at it?

    (The workaround would be --without-java which I verified to work on my
    rpi4, but this opens a can of worms. Not only disabling some (built-in) features like the Report Builder but especially since there is
    Java-based extensions (_all!) which then get into trouble
    dependency-wise/LO will be blocked from migrating to testing maybe...)



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  • From Rene Engelhard@21:1/5 to All on Sat Dec 2 19:40:02 2023

    Am 01.11.23 um 20:42 schrieb Rene Engelhard:
    (The workaround would be --without-java which I verified to work on my
    rpi4, but this opens a can of worms. Not only disabling some (built-in) features like the Report Builder but especially since there is
    Java-based extensions (_all!) which then get into trouble
    dependency-wise/LO will be blocked from migrating to testing maybe...)

    I needed to do that now :(. It's live now in sid.

    It now also makes natbrailles autopkgtest fail[1] since that one of
    course wants ure-java which is Out-of-sync and probably should be
    decrufted somewhen:

    $ rmadison -s unstable ure-java
    ure-java | 4:7.5.9~rc1-1 | unstable | armhf, ppc64el, s390x
    ure-java | 4:7.6.4~rc1-1 | unstable | amd64, arm64, armel, i386



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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)