• Putting important stuff exclusively in the subject [was: is it imminent

    From tomas@tuxteam.de@21:1/5 to All on Tue Apr 25 06:40:01 2023
    On Tue, Apr 25, 2023 at 09:27:03AM +0800, hl wrote:

    On 4/25/23 07:39, Greg Wooledge wrote:


    Please do not put important details exclusively in the Subject: header
    of your email [...]

    i've thought it's redundant to repeat it in mail body, it's waste of
    reader's time

    For some, yes. For others, no. I think this is one of the most
    difficult (and interesting) things in a huge and diverse mailing
    list like this: there are people with extremely different ways
    of living and backgrounds.

    One has to be humble and, from time to time learn that other
    people's inner workings are totally different.

    But this is exciting, too :-)



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