• deprecate and move off using update-inetd?

    From Matt Taggart@21:1/5 to All on Mon Jul 25 22:10:01 2022
    Hi Debian-QA,

    While working on a bug in a package that involved an update-inetd rathole(#24043) I got to thinking about it.

    It's got some really old bugs and can't handle a bunch of cases we care
    about. There was the reconf-inetd effort
    but that is marked obsolete with the explanation

    "As of Feb 2014: With a dynamic init system in Debian finally being
    adopted, inetd is irrelevant, hence reconf-inetd too, so I mark this DEP
    as obsolete, since it's not worth the migration effort."

    Now that systemd provides a simple way to do socket activated services,
    I think maybe we should stop automatically enabling things in maintainer scripts with update-inetd. People not using systemd or preferring other inet-superservers can still enable it for things they want. (1)

    I guess update-inetd as a utility might still have some use, it doesn't necessarily need to go away, just the calling of it in maintainer scripts.

    If I search for things still using it there is not much:


    (NOTE: search is explicitly for --add, more stuff has postrm things
    cleaning it up since they dropped it).

    Also there was this old thread about packages depending on update-inetd


    TL;DR packages shouldn't depend on update-inetd but instead should
    depend on inet-superserver and packages that provide that will have the dependency.

    apt-cache rdepends shows maybe 20-25 things that depend on it (that
    aren't themselves an inet-superserver). I have not reviewed those to see
    which already ship systemd files. I guess each of those would need one
    if they didn't already one, cleanup any --add's, and document things in changelog/NEWS. Next step would be reviewing these and mass bug filing,
    if people think this is a good idea.

    NOTE: I am not (yet) advocating for getting rid of inetd in general,
    maybe some people still prefer it, hosts.allow/deny/etc. But we could eventually have that discussion if people want.

    1. I suppose it might be possible to have a debhelper tool that knows
    about systemd and inetd and activates things accordingly but I have no
    idea how much demand there would be for such a thing.

    Matt Taggart

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  • From Guillem Jover@21:1/5 to Matt Taggart on Tue Jul 26 02:00:01 2022

    On Mon, 2022-07-25 at 12:43:56 -0700, Matt Taggart wrote:
    While working on a bug in a package that involved an update-inetd rathole(#24043) I got to thinking about it.

    Now that systemd provides a simple way to do socket activated services, I think maybe we should stop automatically enabling things in maintainer scripts with update-inetd. People not using systemd or preferring other inet-superservers can still enable it for things they want. (1)

    That'd mean having to add those manually, which seems inconvenient,
    and a loss of existing functionality.

    TL;DR packages shouldn't depend on update-inetd but instead should depend on inet-superserver and packages that provide that will have the dependency.

    I've been working on switching the current implementation into a
    declarative mode, and as part of that improving its parser:


    I still need to add few more test and rereview it, but should be
    uploading that soon, given that there's been no upload for too long.

    The declarative format I'm currently working with is something like
    this (although I've got my reservations about TOML):

    ,--- inetd-provider.toml (such as inetutils-inetd) ---
    package = "provides-inetd"
    service = "provides-inetd"

    ,--- inetd-service.toml (such as inetutils-talk) ---
    section = "OTHER"
    name = "some-service"
    socket-type = "dgram"
    protocol = "udp4"
    wait = true
    user = "root"
    group = "root"
    program = "/usr/sbin/tcpd"
    program-args = [ "/usr/sbin/some-serviced" ]

    This will allow generating xinetd fragment files too, and removing the update-inetd calls entirely from maintscripts, and switching those to


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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)