• metadata entry "changelog"

    From Norwid Behrnd@21:1/5 to All on Mon Jan 9 23:10:01 2023
    Dear mentors,

    I would like to improve an existing Debian package. Based on the typical pattern and name convention of a project based on GitHub, entry `Changelog:` in file `debian/upstream/metadata` currently points to an address normally used
    to present individual releases. The anticipated pattern of the line then should be

    Changelog: https://github.com/markdownlint/markdownlint/releases

    Though not explicit about functionality added, or bugs corrected, the project currently maintains only a list version tags (vide supra). The address above does not contain the wanted information.


    My question to you:

    * Is there precedent of filling the line in `metadata` by

    Changelog: https://github.com/markdownlint/markdownlint/tags

    instead (maybe with `Tags` instead of `Changelog`), or

    * do you recommend to populate


    (post-hoc) to eventually close the gap to package the project for Debian?

    Norwid Behrnd

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