• Re: Help with a libzstd sparc64 FTBFS on the buildd

    From Peter Pentchev@21:1/5 to Peter Pentchev on Thu Apr 6 15:50:01 2023
    XPost: linux.debian.ports.sparc

    On Thu, Apr 06, 2023 at 04:37:16PM +0300, Peter Pentchev wrote:

    The libzstd package in testing is currently missing a couple of
    build-time tests and a fix for a very rare data corruption bug.
    Both of these have been fixed in libstd-1.5.4+dfsg2-5 in unstable;

    ...of course this should have been libzstd-1.5.4+dfsg2-5

    however, I feel like I cannot ask for an unblock from the release
    managers since the sparc64 buildd started failing on this package
    at some point in February:


    Now, the -1, -2, and -4 failures I can explain: there were some
    problems in the upstream test suite that were fixed in -3 and -5.
    However, -3 and -5 should really not have failed: they built
    successfully on all other architectures where the build dependencies
    were installable, and they also passed autopkgtest runs:


    I set up a qemu-based sbuild environment on my laptop, and
    I built the libzstd package successfully. Is it possible that
    something is wrong with the sparc64 buildd? Could somebody with
    an actual sparc64 box try to build libstd-1.5.4+dfsg2-5 and
    let me know if it works for them?

    ...and of course this should also have been libzstd-1.5.4+dfsg2-5

    Thanks in advance!


    Peter Pentchev roam@ringlet.net roam@debian.org pp@storpool.com
    PGP key: http://people.FreeBSD.org/~roam/roam.key.asc
    Key fingerprint 2EE7 A7A5 17FC 124C F115 C354 651E EFB0 2527 DF13


    iQIzBAABCgAdFiEELuenpRf8EkzxFcNUZR7vsCUn3xMFAmQuzMsACgkQZR7vsCUn 3xPwtQ//X4A6Md9PTeCnK8HtLP3LtIaH2z6eO8JrhVbdKNKXshuAyDQB5LcOi1PH sQq8jrsCA60YtnsdOvg0AOtcRBblf+vc3XRE/JeA6uInlQ9beFS8q600qVQmpbps yiXpuf74rf+GAnEb90DkYU0S/ipzA2fbej3wQ/1lXfcrPvLRBPRgH39Xm11z6k7k u/7k+01yjmHGm6U1WytO2TTfAXoeSwGm0nnAndY2QQUiGyz2xzLoONxvG8Mpx3gF kuX0lwQj4+t2164qkYJGFbH8HcT2Cb0y+ykGabfrcvEEk7nZjIu4nreE4EL9Vyd6 cC82oBReS9/7sOjv9NcSyWiFWUKbl0mTnZaDMOpzxAv6/6warbCid8+n3Ji3mcVL c+T3z/5ehydAH96QpdildtSfo5HI7j6T7tMhSFC0WHTvg3MB5zFO0OtT01PDcAkl 6qFnCQl47wXzCwJwJuphK+ojZybOkWxVhIFVfRNC2RTyaWGqB7szr0T++JWjCBK5 Hgaa7iN3+WgjGUS8ScLsHtZfOkjJFgbF4Ai5nIpNZpZW2FsmwoWU3aqzCpGPse3s A7UIFui819yBFZkEzcbL5yi/X4wYYTx/vVFSDSFEe9oQh3LEQIqXpcdLo8w0HFWl zZzMiwDj126/7obEidqumdc1rieLuQKiLXr4+t0vKnUYFF0Hu8I=
  • From Peter Pentchev@21:1/5 to All on Thu Apr 6 15:40:04 2023
    XPost: linux.debian.ports.sparc


    The libzstd package in testing is currently missing a couple of
    build-time tests and a fix for a very rare data corruption bug.
    Both of these have been fixed in libstd-1.5.4+dfsg2-5 in unstable;
    however, I feel like I cannot ask for an unblock from the release
    managers since the sparc64 buildd started failing on this package
    at some point in February:


    Now, the -1, -2, and -4 failures I can explain: there were some
    problems in the upstream test suite that were fixed in -3 and -5.
    However, -3 and -5 should really not have failed: they built
    successfully on all other architectures where the build dependencies
    were installable, and they also passed autopkgtest runs:


    I set up a qemu-based sbuild environment on my laptop, and
    I built the libzstd package successfully. Is it possible that
    something is wrong with the sparc64 buildd? Could somebody with
    an actual sparc64 box try to build libstd-1.5.4+dfsg2-5 and
    let me know if it works for them?

    Thanks in advance!


    Peter Pentchev roam@ringlet.net roam@debian.org pp@storpool.com
    PGP key: http://people.FreeBSD.org/~roam/roam.key.asc
    Key fingerprint 2EE7 A7A5 17FC 124C F115 C354 651E EFB0 2527 DF13


    iQIzBAABCgAdFiEELuenpRf8EkzxFcNUZR7vsCUn3xMFAmQuywwACgkQZR7vsCUn 3xNwlg//X5oNX5BmkLHvjVrYKU0+KMJ++TrcNrrcOvxGmA5MH/sgxUgpf9yp+bHe CLb+TfgtR9d2OX/uB8ApmazW89HmWsyfnFJ+/qLc/j0xUhBeMtFaNm3DnoWcNSdi aR6qu9skZbrizYEpJjntyXuCFBtJuhpa56zJdKJdoJ6tMQX8NJbANo328KoBJMB8 oQ3hr4uLyWmRiWxwef6Ur4vTdipfIRxpHrA1681m6osvoeT8BwAwpOi+GjGe7VcV 8KcXPQUDpAwbBi2klvyih2BrMYvx2pq8Th5OsjNjt0GuDbP0xz49jtjRjRFZ2XYt R1JjVo7y0zA06I81kQlM6xLLVQ23zFCGMsFPn76AIm8V3spuT88GNj9X6cW0K2rU pU8rMKpRUPmMx6X3Uf0UYd63+Ks3CkUeiIMkP3M3Z6C/Qirw6k+LY5T/VoBycdGP besD0nMa+f/0IkjH4zwwd0kUDnzQ/VXFI/0bXH6VmWqGDgpgUPHI3BMDXthiTYyC xX3GgVQKCqY4Bw1TzFQhtWtPaJRFMCIipPN30vAX8GzUs/X9XP7VrBpOYAfUF18+ UecQhG68mne99sRgcYkSwScczDupO5Xrx9I+vnu9gens26kHcw+XUNwgzM7OoYzL eLYGRFvG0OaWagn/Og878JLu94G4HkMgTIg8EESoAS3qi2sShnY=
  • From Paul Gevers@21:1/5 to Peter Pentchev on Thu Apr 6 17:10:01 2023
    XPost: linux.debian.ports.sparc
    To: debian-devel@lists.debian.org
    Copy: debian-sparc@lists.debian.org

    This is an OpenPGP/MIME signed message (RFC 4880 and 3156) --------------lKGwzr8TgVmmzW4wSyp3vsjG
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  • From Peter Pentchev@21:1/5 to Paul Gevers on Thu Apr 6 21:10:01 2023
    XPost: linux.debian.ports.sparc

    On Thu, Apr 06, 2023 at 05:01:07PM +0200, Paul Gevers wrote:
    Hi Peter,

    On 06-04-2023 15:37, Peter Pentchev wrote:
    I feel like I cannot ask for an unblock from the release
    managers since the sparc64 buildd started failing on this package
    at some point in February:

    sparc64 is not a release architecture. sparc64 will not be better or worse
    if something migrates. I suggest to consider those problem separately.

    TBH, that was my own understanding, and I was about to send an unblock
    request earlier today, but then I decided to take another look at
    the freeze policy and the phrase "migration for packages only allowed if
    all their binary packages have been built on buildds" threw me a bit.
    But yeah, I should have realized that should only apply to release architectures... thanks for correcting my thinking!


    Peter Pentchev roam@ringlet.net roam@debian.org pp@storpool.com
    PGP key: http://people.FreeBSD.org/~roam/roam.key.asc
    Key fingerprint 2EE7 A7A5 17FC 124C F115 C354 651E EFB0 2527 DF13


    iQIzBAABCgAdFiEELuenpRf8EkzxFcNUZR7vsCUn3xMFAmQvF9wACgkQZR7vsCUn 3xO2jA/+J7N8BBGehgxxSmy780IEHOjtn74Divh7u2jfZQH+Wbohu8ppG4/kVTkq eh7LaGhoWO8iVXaXqyXDYo9DaLiapKmZOP8UsQaRNNyp+utUXGzQVqnQgm8nTQl3 AqAq7pn3IiE17Acr9pk/lxPnaonkYxC1B6Q5FMHvG2OAPVQOKO3mmbK0TtHG3e1P xDakaIivWt6lO+NAWq/7Oi00rx5NZ56ley0VUqdh2Ww/q5rJMcX2mNVyIvXk7VUM ufQALteIFac6sMaCNOQV3rCfElKGVqgtt2y2W5i/0lO817qqiWm9B41XfZ+rrrVU FYZsTgrteC5qq8LhHuAkJZNI5KRZ4xBdCF4VuJjJpLRJLrPk3LDL2+6wy9mpCn6H hUE0PZatpqcCHmfnukTJbCpa+na0fuhVDlEvQ9YbP8MkuLizDVF/4an7xkb/Q799 qer9A1dDyk1KczDIpHPemg7dCPaf0QH6xqF8JvyQWuwjnLIB9w7LhLjPX5l+PM1K xzEvPW830H6VycvjlFJR/65nO2EQi81VGEQAoMaiu9glF52elvofCyf9euGFjb/e srrUvBHSIHUfTLxaFl3PXudY1szOWfadDqrl/V07DDEKyTmnuA+kzu0s6t2CVh8g 4DKYL+dWIRrf0ba+c/jghbWJ70j7EvVWtFBvE+ivnp7e4f4b37M=