• Re: how about matrix channel, it is available

    From Geert Stappers@21:1/5 to Kyle Robbertze on Tue Jul 19 23:20:01 2022
    On Tue, Jul 19, 2022 at 11:03:00PM +0200, Kyle Robbertze wrote:
    On 2022/07/19 22:12, Alastair McKinstry wrote:
    On 19/07/2022 21:04, Wookey wrote:
    On 2022-07-19 21:01 +0200, Bartosz Fenski wrote:

    Anyone interested in switching to some more modern channels of communication?

    Matrix please. It's free software all the way through. We can run our
    own server. Not-mobile-phones are 1st class clients.

    I'm increasingly using it to replace IRC (with bridges if
    appropriate). I'd be happy to see debian move channels from IRC to Matrix. I'm not happy about moving them to Telegram or Signal, which
    are obviously a great improvement on Whatsapp but still only somewhat-free. Telegram has non-free back-end. Signal is presumably OK
    if you run your own back-end, but you try to use the centralised one
    then you can't build your own client (or at least it's made extremely difficult). Signal requires an active mobile phone number to use (not sure if telegram is the same).

    I'm fine with IRC too. It's not broken, but unless you have your own permanent IRC client instance somewhere it's not great. Having the
    store and-forward done by someone else (unless you want to still do it yourself) is nice.


    I agree.

    Importantly, Matrix is (1) federated, (2) can be bridged with other networks, eg IRC.

    (as well as being open and free). Its hard to see Signal inter-operating
    to others. As tech evolves, we need to stick to principles of being open
    in the sense of federation, not being centralized.

    There is the Debian Social [1] Matrix instance at https://element.debian.social. You can sign in with Salsa. Many of the
    Debian IRC channels are bridged and collected in the #debian:matrix.debian.social space.


    Geert Stappers

    [1] https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/DebianSocial
    Silence is hard to parse


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