• Wiki "AppStyleGuide": Not clear to new users

    From c.buhtz@posteo.jp@21:1/5 to All on Thu Nov 2 04:20:02 2023

    related to https://wiki.debian.org/Python/AppStyleGuide

    There are several problems with that page.

    It is to short to be a single instance. Just add it as a section to the "LibraryStyleGuide" and rename it to "StyleGuide". This would help
    against to much fractioning of the documentation.

    There are some codeblocks in that page. They lack of description and introduction. It is totally unclear in which language that code is. No
    shebang in the beginning. Is this bash? Which file should contain that

    The date of that wiki page is from year 2014. So maybe its content is
    outdated and not relevant anymore?

    Christian Buhtz

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