• installation of script in a dedicated package

    From PICCA Frederic-Emmanuel@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jun 16 12:40:01 2023

    I try to update the silx package and I want to replace this call

    python3 setup.py install_scripts -d debian/silx/usr/bin

    with the right call without setup.py.

    thanks for your help


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From PICCA Frederic-Emmanuel@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jun 16 22:50:01 2023
    Hello Louis

    It seems the only thing this line does is to install /usr/bin/silx. This can be
    done 'manually' via
    dh_install (see man dh_install).

    Yes it install only this script for now. I can do it by end. but in thaht case, I need to let python build the script from the entry point and then move it out of the pybuild directory.

    I personally tend to prefer having a file like 'debian/python3-silx.install' instead of having a
    'dh_install' line in 'debian/rules', as it yields a 'cleaner' d/rules file.

    I agree to disagree :). I like a lot the fact than I can see everythings going one for a package by opening
    only one file. I am more productive this way. Especially when I work on lot's of packages. cut en past beetween rules files is a lot easyer.
    the multipliction of the .install files seems to me a waste of time :).

    les gouts et les couleurs :).


    Frederic and thanks for your time.

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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)