• D-Bus Versus Varlink

    From Lawrence D'Oliveiro@21:1/5 to All on Thu Mar 21 07:40:10 2024
    I recently discovered the existence of Varlink <https://varlink.org/>.
    Turns out it’s been around for a few years--here <https://lwn.net/Articles/742675/> is some discussion of a rationale for
    its creation. Note this bit:

    ... it aims to provide IPC from early boot onward, though it does
    not really address the longtime D-Bus performance complaints that
    also served as motivation for kdbus and bus1.

    Commonalities with D-Bus:
    * the concept of an “interface”, uniquely named according to the common
    reverse-domain format; which (among other things) defines named
    “methods”, each of which takes zero or more arguments
    (“in-parameters”) of specified types, and returns zero or more
    results (“out-parameters”) of specified types.
    * A standardized introspection interface, that can be used to query a
    connection peer as to what interfaces it supports, and how they are

    Differences from D-Bus:
    * No concept of an object path as the target of a method call. Hence no
    standardized interfaces for managing such objects, no get/set
    properties etc.
    * No “signals” as such; however, method calls can return no reply, or
    even multiple replies. They can also return an “error” message
    indicating something went wrong with the method call.
    * Point-to-point protocol, no intermediary daemon. So a client has to
    know the address (Unix socket, TCP etc) to connect to.
    * Messages are JSON structs with standardized top-level fields;
    messages are terminated by a null byte.
    * Struct field/argument types may be marked as “optional”, which means
    that the value is allowed to be null.
    * Allows user-defined enumeration types, with specified strings as
    * Allows user-defined names for enumeration and struct types.
    * Defines its own introspection language, not based on XML (or JSON,
    or anything else immediately recognizable.)

    (Anything else I missed?)

    Note that a struct definition has exactly the same syntax as the
    argument lists for methods and errors. Interesting that, instead of
    C-style “«type» «name»” ordering for field/argument definitions, they opted for Pascal-style “«name» : «type»” syntax. Named types are also defined as “type «name» «definition»”, not as C would have it “typedef
    «definition» «name»”.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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