• \verse in \caption

    From Dr Engelbert Buxbaum@21:1/5 to All on Sat May 11 16:26:35 2024

    the following example gives a hail of error messages, also neither the
    verse nor the reference are typeset as part of the caption:

    % !Mode:: "TeX:UK:UTF-8"
    % !TEX program = XeLaTeX
    % -------------------------------------------------------------------- \documentclass{scrartcl}

    \usepackage{caption}%formating captions of floats \usepackage{graphicx}%inclusion of images
    \usepackage{url}%typeset internet links (preloaded in beamer)


    \urldef{\Fontana}\url {https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/32/Fontana_villa_borgh ese.JPG}
    \caption{The \textit{Fontana dei Cavalli Marini} in the garden of the \textit{Villa Borghese} near Rome is an example for a dynamic
    equilibrium. It inspired the Swiss poet \textsc{Conrad Ferdinand Meyer} (1825--1898) to the well known poem ``Roman fountains'' (7th version of
    Rising high and falling the jet \\
    fills a bowl of marble, \\
    which overflows, hidden in a mist, \\
    and fills a second bowl; \\
    the second gives, when it becomes to rich, \\
    the water to a third: \\
    and each takes and gives, \\
    and flows and rests.
    The image was taken from \Fontana\ visited 2024-05-07.}


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