• buttons? (the kind you pin on your shirt)

    From hymie!@21:1/5 to All on Thu Feb 29 22:57:18 2024

    Does anybody happen to know about a package that will make a button,
    the kind you would put into a Badg-a-Minit press and then pin to your

    I have a basic "blank" that will print four of them using tikz, but
    it only allows one line of text, I have to size the text myself,
    and I'm not going to pretend that I know what I'm doing.

    My ideal goal would be "take this blob of text, format it as large as
    you can to fit inside a circle with radius x inches" (in my case, x=0.95
    but I may have some smaller ones too somewere) ... but I have a feeling
    I'm asking for way too much.

    I think I saw something like this (text formatted in a circle), but if
    I recall correctly, it was a lot of text, small font size in a big circle,
    and manually sized to meet the required widths.

    Anyway, if anybody has ideas or pointers, I'm all eyes.


    --hymie! https://nasalinux.net/~hymie hymie@nasalinux.net

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  • From Greg Vilardi@21:1/5 to hymie@nasalinux.net on Fri Mar 1 18:46:31 2024
    In article <slrnuu22ue.ukp.hymie@nasalinux.net>,
    hymie! <hymie@nasalinux.net> wrote:

    Does anybody happen to know about a package that will make a button,
    the kind you would put into a Badg-a-Minit press and then pin to your

    I have a basic "blank" that will print four of them using tikz, but
    it only allows one line of text, I have to size the text myself,
    and I'm not going to pretend that I know what I'm doing.

    My ideal goal would be "take this blob of text, format it as large as
    you can to fit inside a circle with radius x inches" (in my case, x=0.95
    but I may have some smaller ones too somewere) ... but I have a feeling
    I'm asking for way too much.

    I think I saw something like this (text formatted in a circle), but if
    I recall correctly, it was a lot of text, small font size in a big circle, >and manually sized to meet the required widths.

    Anyway, if anybody has ideas or pointers, I'm all eyes.


    --hymie! https://nasalinux.net/~hymie hymie@nasalinux.net

    If memory serves, DEK has an example of this in the TeXbook. for one fixed font size. The example defined a circular \parshape if I recall correctly, and then TeX does the rest. I don't recall anything about varying the font size in there, but the paragraph shape at least reduuces the compllexity of the
    problem a bit.

    Greg Vilardi |Director, Portal Eng. E-mail:vilardi@panix.com USnail: 354 Indian Head Rd |Vormittag Associates, Inc. Home:(631)864-1310
    Commack, NY 11725 |Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 Cell:(631)627-1448
    sig Version 0.80 I thought, I wrote, I posted.

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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Dr Engelbert Buxbaum@21:1/5 to All on Fri Mar 1 23:12:26 2024
    In article <slrnuu22ue.ukp.hymie@nasalinux.net>, hymie@nasalinux.net


    Does anybody happen to know about a package that will make a button,
    the kind you would put into a Badg-a-Minit press and then pin to your

    Probably more a job for a graphics design package than for TeX. For
    example Windows Paint, xfig or the like.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From hymie!@21:1/5 to who on Fri Mar 15 13:21:53 2024
    Just for posterity ...

    I didn't come up with a method to do it automatically, but this method
    will work with trial-and-error

    The "printme" variable will turn on a smaller circle that approximates
    where the text needs to fit ... that can be turned off when you actually
    print it out.



    \node[draw,circle,minimum size=3.0in,inner sep=0pt]
    at (#1,#2) {\textit { \textbf {
    \draw (#1,#2) circle(1.125in) ;

    {\begin{tabular}{c}Please\\don\kern-0.10em 't ask me\\about NASA\\today\end{tabular}}

    --hymie! https://nasalinux.net/~hymie hymie@nasalinux.net

    In our last episode, the evil Dr. Lacto had captured our hero,
    hymie! <hymie@nasalinux.net>, who said:

    Does anybody happen to know about a package that will make a button,
    the kind you would put into a Badg-a-Minit press and then pin to your

    I have a basic "blank" that will print four of them using tikz, but
    it only allows one line of text, I have to size the text myself,
    and I'm not going to pretend that I know what I'm doing.

    My ideal goal would be "take this blob of text, format it as large as
    you can to fit inside a circle with radius x inches" (in my case, x=0.95
    but I may have some smaller ones too somewere) ... but I have a feeling
    I'm asking for way too much.

    I think I saw something like this (text formatted in a circle), but if
    I recall correctly, it was a lot of text, small font size in a big circle, and manually sized to meet the required widths.

    Anyway, if anybody has ideas or pointers, I'm all eyes.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)