• Re: Scripts - help requested with this, please.

    From David Brooks@21:1/5 to jeremy on Thu Aug 4 00:32:06 2022
    XPost: uk.comp.sys.mac, alt.computer.workshop

    On 25/01/2019 13:48, jeremy wrote:
    In article <gashlmFq4e3U2@mid.individual.net>, jollyroger@pobox.com

    On 2019-01-23, David B. <"David B"@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    I'd like to know if ANYONE reading the Usenet groups has installed

    Of course some people here have installed ClamXAV. I've done so
    countless times in the past myself, and am sure others have as well. The >>>> real question is why you care what other people do? I have. So what?

    You are the *FIRST* to admit that you have it on YOUR computer!

    Did you read this thread of mine?

    No, why?

    It's a subscription service. I don't understand why have you "installed
    it countless times"?

    Nah. It's just an app. I have owned and used many computers in the last
    decades. I don't keep track of trivial things like how many times I've
    installed a harmless piece of software.

    At the risk of fanning the flames...

    I installed ClamXAV back in November I think on my macbook on which I am running Mojave and parallels 14 (and within which I run Win10)

    I have been having serious issues with my Win10 - slow program loading
    times, lacklustre performance, really slow to "sort itself out" after
    opening the lid when on battery power (I always simply shut the lid - no hibernate or other options used).

    I had installed ClamXAV as a trial - wasn't sure I wanted it but know
    that Clam is a well-regarded AV product so that I'd give it a whirl.

    As it wa a trial, it quickly became out of date - it kept prompting to download latest AV definitions (a good thign of course!) but as had no subscription I didn't bother. I couldn't find out how to prevent it from running automatically on boot-up of Mojave and couldn't find out how to deinstal it either.

    I ran a trial version of App Cleaner on Monday - it removed ClamXAV successfully.

    Since rebooting directly after, I have had none of the issues of
    performance that I was experiencing before (and have caused me a lot of
    lost time & frustration over the last couple of months). This was on
    Monday - I thought "give it a few days to make sure" - as I use this
    machine extensively every day I think I have probably proven a point -
    that (in my isolated case) ClamXAV was causing significant issues.

    I don't want to "feed the trolls" and have no idea if this is linked to
    the OP's assertions that the product should be avoided (and clearly, if
    they cannot have a good Facebook page they probably aren't deserving of anyone's custom, I can see that completely [1]) but thought it might be
    worth sharing.

    [1] this is where you might insert a smiley - you, dear reader, can
    decide [2]
    [2] As [1]

    Hey! :-D

    You may have noticed that I was accused of using a pseudonym to post
    with YOUR name, Jeremy.

    I'd be most grateful if you would assure folk that you are your own man!


    Kind regards,
    David B.

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