• From Steve Carroll@21:1/5 to All on Fri May 20 19:42:23 2022
    I'm about to plonk him, myself. Like all jerks, he is constantly looking
    for some way to attack, no matter how absurd the allegation. I will not listen to his response to this post. He is hurting, wants to pretend he is innocent, and will lash out. Most likely starting with a huffy "<snip>", as if what
    I've written is _so_ offensive. That BADish "strategy" was about the last straw, for me.

    Just look at your posts and look at mine, there is nothing for us to learn
    from a fool like F. Russell. But hey, let him keep making an ass of himself.
    He can make another sock to pat himself on the back.

    All I understand is, if I have seen people calling themselves "liberals"
    while biking, they were not the usual idiot sort that likes to grumble about this and that. Why are such herds seemingly never peaceful... WTF is up with that?

    Puppy Videos!
    https://duckduckgo.com/?q=steve%20carroll%20narcissistic%20bigot https://swisscows.com/web?query=steve%20carroll%20%22narcissistic%20bigot%22 https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/6sfkup/what_desktop_tasks_does_linux_handle_better_than
    Dustin Cook the functionally illiterate fraud

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