• Re: Junk (sites used)

    From Bill Chatfield@21:1/5 to matthewmpower@gmail.com on Wed Dec 13 00:01:52 2023
    On Wed, 13 Dec 2023 00:36:18 GMT
    TRS-90 <matthewmpower@gmail.com> wrote:

    which I can then read on my Apple II!

    Very cool!

    So, usenet and telnet sites for me. Social media just doesn't tick
    the right boxes.

    I'm thinking the same. It's kind of hard to actually get to the
    important information on facebook because you have to keep clicking on
    "show more comments" or whatever that link is. That is if you can even
    find the story you're looking for.

    Just my views, thanks for reading,

    Thanks for sharing.

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