• EVERYTHING iKooks claimed about macOS releases over the years - has bee

    From Andy Burnelli@21:1/5 to All on Thu Jan 26 16:42:01 2023
    XPost: comp.sys.mac.apps, comp.sys.mac.system


    Apple has _never_ even once ever fully patched an _older_ macOS release.
    *Not even once*

    Only the _single_ latest release is fully patched (e.g., macOS Ventura 13).

    Hence, almost everything the iKooks claimed about the supposed "longevity"
    of macOS releases, is just as much made like Steve's FCC coverage maps.

    Given EVERTHING they claimed has now been proven to be wrong...

    As with Steve's claims over the years, only two assessments are possible:
    a. The iKooks were completely ignorant of how Apple actually updates, or,
    b. They lied.

    I think they were ignorant but I think Steve just lied.
    What do YOU think is why iKooks were wrong all these years?

    Even the crappy Microsoft Windows updates longer than does macOS!

    You iKooks can _hate_ that we found out you were completely wrong, but the
    fact is we found out that you were and are ignorant of _how_ Apple updates.

    *Only _one_ Apple iOS/macOS release, ever, gets all the known fixed bugs.*

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jolly Roger@21:1/5 to Andy Burnelli on Thu Jan 26 17:21:17 2023
    XPost: comp.sys.mac.apps, comp.sys.mac.system

    On 2023-01-26, Andy Burnelli <spam@nospam.com> wrote:

    blah blah blah blah

    Arlen is so TRIGGERED by the fact that Apple just released a security
    update for iOS 12 which runs on iPhones that are TEN years old, he is
    spamming this all over the place in the Apple news groups repeatedly
    during the past couple days. Apple lives in Arlen's tortured, demented
    head 24/7 - it's all he can think about... LOL! : D

    E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter.
    I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Richard L. Hamilton@21:1/5 to Jolly Roger on Tue Feb 14 09:51:08 2023
    XPost: comp.sys.mac.apps, comp.sys.mac.system

    In article <k3fr4dFdiabU1@mid.individual.net>,
    Jolly Roger <jollyroger@pobox.com> writes:
    On 2023-01-26, Andy Burnelli <spam@nospam.com> wrote:

    blah blah blah blah

    Arlen is so TRIGGERED by the fact that Apple just released a security
    update for iOS 12 which runs on iPhones that are TEN years old, he is spamming this all over the place in the Apple news groups repeatedly
    during the past couple days. Apple lives in Arlen's tortured, demented
    head 24/7 - it's all he can think about... LOL! : D

    Apple is the deity of computers, and anyone who disagrees is either ignorant
    or demonic.

    No, I'm not even kidding. Well ok, a little. If you don't care about
    fancy schmanzy GUIs, Solaris is a way better OS, at least on SPARC; but that's expensive, so nobody wants it anymore. :-(

    (I'm pissed that NFSv4 still doesn't work right on macOS; if I play
    a movie with Movist when the file is mounted via NFSv4, it will hang after
    not very long, while it works fine with NFSv3. I suspect mishandling of
    mmap() or something like that. Too bad, with a server that supports
    NFSv4 named attributes, macOS uses them rather than creating ._* files. And
    of course I get crazy long uptimes with Solaris that macOS can't match...well, maybe it could with ECC RAM etc.)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)